BEHV 5140: Research Methods in Behavior Analysis: Articles / Research Methods

a guide to library resources, for students of BEHV 5140

Sage Research Methods

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Journal Article Databases for Behavior Analysis

Try searching within one of the databases below, for journal articles. If you want to broaden your search to include articles from all disciplines, search in the "Online Articles" tab (Summon).

PsycInfo database allows you to narrow your search by research methodology. When searching the other library databases linked below or the library's Find Articles search (linked on the right of this page), limiting by methodology is not an option. Instead you can add, qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, or other methodology terms to your search query. For example, a search query that I might use to search for scholarly articles in the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database is:

massage therapy and autism and intervention

Tip: Using AND, OR, and NOT in your searches. AND, OR, and NOT are Boolean Operators that can be used in most databases and search engines.

AND - I have included the word AND between each search term in the search query example above, so that the database will return only results that contain every one of these key terms. By including AND between each search term, I have limited my search results and will receive fewer but more relevant articles in my results list. 

OR - you can use OR between terms that have similar meanings, to expand your search results and receive results that contain either of the terms or both of the terms separated by OR. For example, the search query, "vocational rehabilitation or disability rehabilitation" will return all results that contain either vocational rehabilitation or disability rehabilitation or that contain both terms. 

NOT - Put NOT between two terms to specify that you want to receive results that contain the first term and not the term following the NOT. For example, the search query, "vocational rehabilitation not career counseling" will bring back results that contain the term, vocational rehabilitation but that do not contain the term, career counseling.

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