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KINE 3500: Motor Development: Required Readings

Useful library resources for KINE 3500, Dr. Tao Zhang

Required Readings for KINE 3500

Article Title: From the beginning: A developmental perspective on movement and mobility., Clark, Jane E. Source: Quest (00336297); Feb2005, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p37-45

Article Title: On the Problem of Motor Skill Development, Clark, Jane E., Source: JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance; May/Jun2007, Vol. 78 Issue 5, p39-44

Article Title: What Is Motor Development? The Lessons of History., Clark, Jane E. and Whitall, Jill., Source: Quest; Dec 1989, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p183-202

Article Title: Combining Theory and Practice in the Gymnasium., Gagen, Linda and Getchell, Nancy., Source: JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance; May/Jun2004, Vol. 75 Issue 5, p25-30

Article Title: Does Memory Development Belong on an Endangered Topic List?, Kuhn, Deanna., Source: Child Development; Jan/Feb2000, Vol. 71 Issue 1, p21-25

Article Title: Perceived sports competence mediates the relationship between childhood motor skill proficiency and adolescent physical activity and fitness: a longitudinal assessment., Barnett LM; Morgan PJ; van Beurden E; Beard JR., Source: The International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity, 2008; Vol. 5, pp. 40

Article Title: Gender-Typed and Non-Gender-Typed Category Awareness in Toddlers., Levy, Gary D., Source: Sex Roles; Dec99, Vol. 41 Issue 11/12, p851-873

Article Title: Learning to move., Adolph, Karen E., Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol 17(3), Jun, 2008. pp. 213-218

Article Title: LATER DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN SPECIALLY TRAINED DURING INFANCY: JOHNNY AND JIMMY AT SCHOOL AGE., McGraw, Myrtle B., Source: Child Development; Mar1939, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p1-19

Article Title: Childhood motor skill proficiency as a predictor of adolescent physical activity., Barnett LM; van Beurden E; Morgan PJ; Brooks LO; Beard JR., Source: The Journal Of Adolescent Health: Official Publication Of The Society For Adolescent Medicine., 2009 Mar; Vol. 44 (3), pp. 252-9

Article Title: Infant Overweight Is Associated with Delayed Motor Development, Meghan Slining MS, MPH, Linda S. Adair PhD, Barbara Davis Goldman PhD, Judith B. Borja PhD and Margaret Bentley PhD The Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 157, Issue 1, July 2010, Pages 20-25.e1

Article Title: The association between motor skill competence and physical fitness in young adults, David Stodden, Stephen Langendorfer, Mary Ann Roberton. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. June 2009 v80 i2 p223-230

Article Title: Physical activity behaviors of older adults, Goggin, N., & Morrow, J. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2001. 58-66

Article Title: Cardiovascular fitness and neurocognitive function in older adults: A brief review, Edward McAuley, Arthur F. Kramer, Stanley J. Colcombe, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 18, 214-220

Article Title: The Development of Motor Abilities during the First Three Years: A Study of Sixty-One Infants Tested Repeatedly, Author(s): Nancy Bayley, Source: Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Vol. 1, No. 1, The Development of Motor Abilities during the First Three Years (1936), pp. 1-26

Article Title: Using ‘Constraints’ to Design Developmentally Appropriate Movement Activities for Early Childhood Education, Gagen, Linda L. and Getchell, Nancy., Source: Early Childhood Education Journal; Dec2006, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p227-232

Article Title: Forceful overarm throwing: A comparison of two cohorts measured 20 years apart, Brenda Pulito Runion, Mary Ann Roberton, Stephen J Langendorfer. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Sep 2003. Vol. 74, Iss. 3; pg. 324-330

Article Title: The puzzles of motor development: how the study of developmental biomechanics contributes to the puzzle solutions, Jensen, Jody L., Source: Infant & Child Development; Dec2005, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p501-511

Article Title: Motor Development: Core curricular concepts, Ulrich, B., Quest, 59, 77–91

Article Title: What's Motor Development Got to Do with Physical Education?, Kathleen Williams. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance., Aug 2004. Vol. 75, Iss. 6; p. 35-39