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College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences/Humanities Division/Student Information

Databases for CLASS Faculty

Research Databases for Journal Articles, Video, Audio, and More!

The UNT Libraries subscribe to over 300 research databases that contain mostly journal articles, but also video, images, audio, book chapters, and book reviews. Here are just a few databases that may be of interest to CAS.  Click on the database link to open.

These databases and hundreds more can be found from the UNT Libraries homepage:, under the tab “databases”. 
                *If accessing off-campus, you will asked for an EUID and EUID password.


World Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Japanese databases: C

  • cinii books CiNii Books (Japanese version / English version)  Japanese & some European university Libraries union catalog
  • cinii articles logo  CiNii  Articles 論文情報ナビゲータ (Japanese version / English version) Japanese scholarly journal index. Abstracts are available. Includes NDL Zasshi Kiji Sakuin search. Many full text articles from Daigaku Kiyo (大学紀要)are available in pdf. Can search holding institutions. Can save your bibliographic information in three different formats.  See also the Getting the Most of CiNii Articles Database


Philosophy & Religion