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COMM 1010: Introduction to Communication

Class guide for Introduction to Communication.

APA and Chicago Style Guides

Technical writing and literary theory and schools of criticism

Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quotiong from Purdue OWL




  • Must reference the original source
  • The text is much shorter than the original text. (For example, one may write a single page to summarize a four-page article.)
  • Must use your own words, usually with a very limited use of quotations.
  • Must reference the original source
  • The text produced may be shorter or longer than the original text
  • Must use your own words
  • Must reference the original source
  • The text produced is the exact length of the original text quoted (unless ellipses are used)
  • Use the original author’s exact words
  • Put quotation marks around the original author’s exact words
  • Include the page number of the original source from which you borrowed the author’s original language.

Research Paper

Genre and the Research Paper by Purdue OWL

Common Writing Assignments from Purdue Writing Lab

Common Writing Assignments

Synthesizing Sources

Synthesizing is showing how the information found in your research, and your own ideas, fit together. It is not summarizing information.

  • To make an overall point - look for similarities or differences.
  • Synthesis – is showing where sources agree or disagree.

Make sure you organize your information to see the relationships between your sources. You can use a table. Your annotated bibliography exercise is a great way to organize your information. Remember to write paragraphs with topic sentences.

How can you organize your research? What makes the most sense for your topic?

  • Chronologically – to organize over time
  • Thematically – to organize by theme or different types of research.
  • Methodologically – to organize by type of research performed. In other words, how the research is done. For example, surveys, observations, interviews, and focus groups.
  • Theoretically – to organize by different theories

Arguments of Rhetorical Models:

  • Narrative
  • Description
  • Process Analysis
  • Illustration and Exemplification
  • Cause and Effect
  • Comparison
  • Definition
  • Persuasion
  • Classification

Psychology Student Resources.. (2023, September). How to Synthesize Written Information from Multiple Sources.

How to use RefWorks

UNT Writing Lab

Office of Disabilities Access