Forward citation searching with Google Scholar
Better to search the title as a phrase by adding “quotation marks”
Clicking on cited by displays Google Scholar’s forward citations. If the cited by option is not available then the source has not been cited by another source.
Clicking on Web of Science takes us into the Web of Science database which displays the articles that have been cited by Web of Science. If you are searching in Web of Science you will click on times cited for the forward citations.
This allows you to find more recent research that cites your original source.
You can see how influential your original source has been on newer research and you can continue the forward citation chaining.
Possible Problem: The only problem with using citation chaining is you may find that your research brings in unintended bias toward your original source. A way to avoid this is to bring in another original source.
Backward citation searching
Use the works cited page or the bibliography to find information used for your current article.
This research is published prior to your original source.
Word of caution
Google scholar may contain articles that are not peer-reviewed and may also contain predatory journals. You will need to review the article to determine if it is scholarly.
Other ways to look for forward citation chaining
Cited by
Times cited
Web of Science has a wonderful feature called impact factor: Journal Citation Reports which is at the bottom of the journal information.