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RHAB 5715: Disability Issues in Human Development

A guide to library resources for RHAB 5715: Disability Issues in Human Development

Searching for Journal Articles

There are several different ways to search the UNT Libraries collection for journal articles. 
  1. Search within one database (a collection of information, in many cases a collection of journals that is either multidisciplinary or is arranged around one or more subjects). The "Suggested Databases for Rehab Research" box below includes direct links to four databases that contain relevant rehabilitation journal content.
  2. Search within ALL library databases simultaneously, by searching in the "Online Articles" tab on There is also a search widget at the bottom of this page that searches in "Online Article". Results will be multidisciplinary and plentiful.
  3. Search or browse within just one journal at a time. A handful of rehabilitation journals are linked in the "Rehab Journals in the UNT Libraries Collection" box below. You can also search for an online journal by title in the "e-Journals" tab on 


Suggested Databases for Rehab Research

Online Articles

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