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EADP 3055: EOC Design and Operations

A guide to library resources and research for EADP 3055 students

How to Give an Awesome Presentation

Instructions for Preparing a Presentation

How to prepare good images

Distorted or overly complex images will confuse your audience. Make sure to adjust the size or resolution to create good images for your presentation.

  • Use a snipping tool (e.g., Windows has Snipping Tool) to cut only the essential images or parts of images to insert in your presentation.
  • Some websites will give you different sizes of an image to download. Choose more pixels over fewer.
  • After downloading an image, you can open it in Paint or a comparable software to resize and/or crop it.
  • Insert the image in Powerpoint and don't forget to give the attribution for the image.

Where can you find images for use in presentations?

  • You can use the Creative Commons website to search for images that have copyright licenses that allow for adapting, sharing, and modifying. Always check the CC license before you use an image, to be sure you're allowed to use it and under what terms. And always give attribution to the image creator.

Copyright © University of North Texas. Some rights reserved. Except where otherwise indicated, the content of this library guide is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Suggested citation for citing this guide when adapting it:

This work is a derivative of "EADP 3055: EOC Design and Operations", created by [author name if apparent] and © University of North Texas, used under CC BY-NC 4.0 International.