When searching the library databases for articles, typing an entire sentence or question into the search field will not produce good results. Instead use keywords that describe your topic.
Developing Keywords
Identify the important nouns or main ideas in your research question. For example:
- Research Question: What are the consequences of the spread of incorrect health information on social media?
Generate synonyms for each main term, along with words that are narrower, broader, and related.
- Incorrect information: deceit, manipulation, lies, false, misinformation, fake news
- Social media: online, websites, internet, social networking
- Health: wellness, physical wellbeing, medical
Start searching in a database and connect your keywords with AND, OR, and, NOT as appropriate
- A search for this topic could look like:
- misinformation AND health AND social media
- incorrect information AND medical AND social networking websites
- (lies OR false information) AND health AND online
Pay attention to the results and modify your keywords as necessary.
- Titles and abstracts in the results may help you identify new keywords
- Keep in mind that keywords will evolve as you search. The more you search and learn about your topic, the easier it will be to develop keywords and search for more relevant articles.
How to Create Keywords Video Tutorials