Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
RESM 5850 Trends Reading List
Vespa, Jonathan, Lauren Medina, and David M. Armstrong, “Demographic Turning Points for the United States: Population Projections for 2020 to 2060,” Current Population Reports, P25-1144, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, 2020.
Why do people attend conferences? 5 key reasons for attendees and event organizers (website)
Kornspan, A. S., & Duve, M. A. (2013). Networking in Sport Management: Ideas and Activities to Enhance Student Engagement and Career Development. Choregia, 9(1), 5–23.
Athletic Business Show 2023 (website)
The 46 Best Camping Gear Buys For A More Comfortable Adventure (website)
What’s New to Eat at Dodger Stadium, 2022 Edition (website)
Building the Right Atmosphere: 5 Important Trends in Sports Facility Design (website)
4 Sports Facility Design Trends for 2022 (website)
Flynn, R. B. (1987). Tracking trends in facility design. Athletic Business, 11(3), 32–35. (website)
KYLE, G., BRICKER, K., GRAEFE, A., & WICKHAM, T. (2004). An Examination of Recreationists’ Relationships with Activities and Settings. Leisure Sciences, 26(2), 123–142.
Wakefield, K. L., & Blodgett, J. (2016). Retrospective: The importance of servicescapes in leisure service settings. The Journal of Services Marketing, 30(7), 686-691. doi:
Athletic Business Show 2023 (website)
Morfoulaki, M.; Myrovali, G.; Kotoula, K.-M.; Karagiorgos, T.; Alexandris, K. Sport Tourism as Driving Force for Destinations’ Sustainability. Sustainability 2023, 15, 2445.
Giango, M.K.; Hintapan, R.; Suson, M.; Batican, I.; Quiño, L.; Capuyan, L.; Anoos, J.M.; Batoon, J.; Aro, J.L.; Maturan, F.; Yamagishi, K.; Gonzales, G.; Burdeos, A.; Ocampo, L. Local Support on Sports Tourism Development: An Integration of Emotional Solidarity and Social Exchange Theory. Sustainability 2022, 14, 12898.
Evans, P. (2022). Grand Rapids sports tourism ready for another phase. Grand Rapids Business Journal, 1–3 (website)
Zajchowski, C., Fefer, J. P., Henry, C., & Kane, B. (2021). Participant-Driven Videography in Park and Protected Area Research. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 39(1), 131–142.
"CUDDY SHARK: Coaching issue is high on school sports list of concerns" (website)
Okolie, U. C., Mlanga, S., Nwosu, H. E., Mezieobi, K., Okorie, C. O., & Abonyi, S. O. (2023). Work Placement Supervisor Support and Students’ Proactive Career Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Proactivity. Journal of Career Development, 50(1), 168–184.
Dickman, G., Jensen, J. A., & Weight, E. (2021). Career Paths of Power Five Athletic Directors: A Social Network Analysis. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 214–237
Richmond, D., Sibthorp, J., & Bialeschki, M. D. (2021). Employer Perceptions of Seasonal Summer Camp Employment. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 39(4), 22–40.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook
6 Top Factors for Successful Recruitment in Sport Management (website)
Remote Sport Management (ZipRecruiter) (website)
Parr, M. (2005). Recruiting Others to the Park and Recreation Profession. Parks & Recreation, 40(6), 72–76.
Mitran, A. (2010). Using Social Networks for Staff Recruiting. Romanian Journal of Journalism & Communication / Revista Romana de Jurnalism Si Comunicare- RRJC, 5(2), 59–69.
9 Trends for Social Media in Sports Marketing (website)
Pate, J. R., & Bosley, A. T. (2020). Understanding the Skills and Competencies Athletic Department Social Media Staff Seek in Sport Management Graduates. Sport Management Education Journal (Human Kinetics), 14(1), 48–51.