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EPSY 3020: Introduction to Creativity in the Classroom: Required Readings

Useful library information for EPSY 3020, Introduction to Creativity in the Classroom

Required Readings for EPSY 3020

1.    Chapter 1 “What’s creativity?” in Beghetto, R. A. (2013). Killing ideas softly?: The promise and perils of creativity in the classroom. IAP. 

2.    Chapter1 “Creativity and Classroom” in Starko, A. J. (2013). Creativity in the classroom: Schools of curious delight. Routledge. 

3.     Gruszka, A., & Tang, M. (2017). The 4P’s creativity model and its application in different fields. In Handbook of the management of creativity and innovation: Theory and practice (pp. 51-71). 

4.    Baer, J., and Garrett, T. (2017). Accountability, the Common Core, and Creativity. In R. A. Beghetto and J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom, 2nd ed. (pp. 45–66). Cambridge University Press. 

5.    Chapter 3 “The connection between creativity and learning” in Beghetto, R. A. (2013). Killing ideas softly? The promise and perils of creativity in the classroom. IAP. 

6.    Baer, J., and Garrett, T. (2017). Accountability, the Common Core, and Creativity. In R. A. Beghetto and J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom, 2nd ed. (pp. 45–66). Cambridge University Press. 

7.    Chapter 4 “The Creative Person: Flexible, funny, and full of energy” in Davis, G. A., & Woodward, J. (2020). Creativity is forever. Kendall Hunt. 

8.    Chapter 5 “Modes of Thinking” in Hokanson, B. (2017). Developing creative thinking skills: An introduction for learners. Routledge. 

9.    Chapter 8 “Techniques for Idea Generation” in Hokanson, B. (2017). Developing creative thinking skills: An introduction for learners. Routledge. 

10.    Chapter 2 “Creative micromoments?” in Beghetto, R. A. (2013). Killing ideas softly?: The promise and perils of creativity in the classroom. IAP. 

11.    Chapter 5 “Soft dismissals and other Inherited patterns of classroom talk?” in Beghetto, R. A. (2013). Killing ideas softly?: The promise and perils of creativity in the classroom. IAP. 

12.    Chapter 7 “Toward creativity conducive classroom environments” in Beghetto, R. A. (2013). Killing ideas softly?: The promise and perils of creativity in the classroom. IAP. 

13.    Chapter 2 “How creative are you?” in Hokanson, B. (2017). Developing creative thinking skills: An introduction for learners. Routledge. 

14.    Chapter 6 “Evaluating creativity” in Hokanson, B. (2017). Developing creative thinking skills: An introduction for learners. Routledge. 

15.    Fishkin, A. S. & Johnson, A. S. (1998) Who is creative? Identifying children's creative abilities, Roeper Review, 21(1), 40-46,