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HSI/MSI Resource List: Required Readings

Useful library resources for Hispanic and Minority Serving Institutions funding, UNT Division of Research and Innovation presentation by Dr. Brenda Barrio

Useful articles for HSI grants

Martin, J. P., Simmons, D. R., & Yu, S. L. (2013). The role of social capital in the experiences of Hispanic women engineering majors. Journal of Engineering Education, 102(2), 227-243.  

Jordan, S. S., Foster, C. H., Anderson, I. K., Betoney, C. A., & Pangan, T. J. D. (2019). Learning from the experiences of Navajo engineers: Looking toward the development of a culturally responsive engineering curriculum. Journal of Engineering Education, 108(3), 355-376.  

Rorrer, A. S., Allen, J., & Zuo, H. (2018, February). A national study of undergraduate research experiences in computing: Implications for culturally relevant pedagogy. In Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 604-609).    

Gillen, A., Carrico, C., Grohs, J., & Matusovich, H. (2018). Using an applied research-practice cycle: Iterative improvement of culturally relevant engineering outreach. Journal of Formative Design in Learning, 2(2), 121-128.    

Ashing-Giwa, K. T. (2005). Can a culturally responsive model for research design bring us closer to addressing participation disparities? Lessons learned from cancer survivorship studies. Ethnicity & disease, 15(1), 130-137.    

Lachney, M., Eglash, R., Bennett, A., Babbitt, W., Foy, L., Drazin, M., & Rich, K. M. (2021). pH empowered: community participation in culturally responsive computing education. Learning, Media and Technology, 46(3), 333-354.    

Globe, D. R., Schoua-Glusberg, A., Paz, S., Yu, E., Preston-Martin, S., Azen, S., & Varma, R. (2002). Using focus groups to develop a culturally sensitive methodology for epidemiological surveys in a Latino population: findings from the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study (LALES). Ethnicity & disease, 12(2), 259-266.    

Awad, G. H., Patall, E. A., Rackley, K. R., & Reilly, E. D. (2016). Recommendations for culturally sensitive research methods. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 26(3), 283-303.  

Burnette, C. E., Sanders, S., Butcher, H. K., & Rand, J. T. (2014). A toolkit for ethical and culturally sensitive research: An application with indigenous communities. Ethics and Social Welfare, 8(4), 364-382.    

Clarke, G. S., Douglas, E. B., House, M. J., Hudgins, K. E., Campos, S., & Vaughn, E. E. (2021). Empowering Indigenous communities through a participatory, culturally responsive evaluation of a federal program for older Americans. American Journal of Evaluation, 10982140211030557.  

Dangerfield II, D. T., & Wylie, C. (2022). Identifying Ethical and Culturally Responsive Research Activities to Build Trust and Improve Participation of Black Sexual Minority Men in Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Telehealth Clinical Trials: Qualitative Study. JMIR Human Factors, 9(1), e28798.  

Woods-Jaeger, B., Kleven, L., Sexton, C., O'Malley, D., Cho, B., Bronston, S., ... & Starr, D. (2022). Two generations thrive: Bidirectional collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and parents to promote culturally responsive trauma research, practice, and policy. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.    

Taylor, B. E., Reynolds, A. J., Etz, K. E., MacCalla, N. M., Cotter, P. A., DeRuyter, T. L., & Hueffer, K. (2017, December). BUILDing BLaST: promoting rural students’ biomedical research careers using a culturally responsive, one health approach. In BMC proceedings (Vol. 11, No. 12, pp. 79-89). BioMed Central.    

Briant, K. J., Halter, A., Marchello, N., Escareño, M., & Thompson, B. (2016). The power of digital storytelling as a culturally relevant health promotion tool. Health promotion practice, 17(6), 793-801.    

Fregonese, F. (2018). Community involvement in biomedical research conducted in the global health context; what can be done to make it really matter?. BMC medical ethics, 19(1), 39-47.    

Minkler, M. (2005). Community-based research partnerships: challenges and opportunities. Journal of urban health, 82(2), ii3-ii12.    

Baker, E. A., Homan, S., Schonhoff, S. R., & Kreuter, M. (1999). Principles of practice for academic/practice/community research partnerships. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 16(3), 86-93.    

Frerichs, L., Kim, M., Dave, G., Cheney, A., Hassmiller Lich, K., Jones, J., ... & Corbie-Smith, G. (2017). Stakeholder perspectives on creating and maintaining trust in community–academic research partnerships. Health Education & Behavior, 44(1), 182-191.    

Ross, L. F., Loup, A., Nelson, R. M., Botkin, J. R., Kost, R., Smith Jr, G. R., & Gehlert, S. (2010). The challenges of collaboration for academic and community partners in a research partnership: Points to consider. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 5(1), 19-31.    

Thomas, L. R., Donovan, D. M., & Sigo, R. L. (2010). Identifying community needs and resources in a Native community: A research partnership in the Pacific Northwest. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 8(2), 362-373.    

Trotz, M., Stuart, A., Yeh, D., Muga, H., Phillips, L., & Mihelcic, J. (2009, June). Nontraditional university research partners that facilitate service learning and graduate research for sustainable development. In 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 14-913).    

Wilmer, H., Meadow, A. M., Brymer, A. B., Carroll, S. R., Ferguson, D. B., Garba, I., ... & Peck, D. E. (2021). Expanded ethical principles for research partnership and transdisciplinary natural resource management science. Environmental Management, 68(4), 453-467.

Samuelson, C. C., & Litzler, E. (2016). Community cultural wealth: An assets‐based approach to persistence of engineering students of color. Journal of Engineering Education, 105(1), 93-117.    

Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., Benson, L. C., Bumbaco, A. E., Kellam, N., Pawley, A. L., & Phillips, C. M. (2017). Qualitative research quality: A collaborative inquiry across multiple methodological perspectives. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(3), 398-430.    

Smith, J. M., & Lucena, J. C. (2016). Invisible innovators: How low-income, first-generation students use their funds of knowledge to belong in engineering. Engineering Studies, 8(1), 1-26.    

Blosser, E. (2020). An examination of Black women's experiences in undergraduate engineering on a primarily white campus: Considering institutional strategies for change. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(1), 52-71.    

Kim, Y. H., & O'Brien, K. M. (2018). Assessing women’s career barriers across racial/ethnic groups: The Perception of Barriers Scale. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(2), 226.    

Aguilar-Smith, S. (2021). Seeking to Serve or $erve? Hispanic-Serving Institutions’ Race-Evasive Pursuit of Racialized Funding. AERA Open.

Defining "Servingness" at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Practical Implications for HSI Leaders: Gina Garcia, American Council on Education:


Hispanic Serving Institution Proposal Guidance

UNT HSI Proposal Guidance