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BIOL 4030: Physiological Ecology

Resources for your presentation and extra-credit assignments.

What Is Plagiarism?

Imagine that you have come up with an exciting, new theory and publish it in a journal article. Then someone else writes an article including your theory, but doesn’t give you credit for your idea. How would you feel? You’d probably feel it was unfair for someone else to take credit for your work.

In academics, it is considered worse than unfair when credit isn’t given to the creator of a work or an idea; it is considered unethical. The term for representing someone else’s work as your own, even if unintentionally, is plagiarism. At UNT and all universities, plagiarism is a serious violation of the academic code; see the Student Academic Integrity section of the UNT Policy Manual.

So, whenever you paraphrase or directly quote from someone else’s work, you must provide a citation. It’s the fair and ethical thing to do! Visit the Plagiarism library guide or to find FAQs, examples of plagiarism, and more.

Citation Style Guides

The UNT Libraries provide print manuals and online style guides to assist you in correctly formatting papers and citing references. The links below direct to the Citations and Styles library guide and guides for the major citation styles.

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic citation manager that allows you to create your own personal database of references for both academic and personal use. View the quick informational video on RefWorks below, then visit the RefWorks guide to learn how to create a free account, watch video tutorials, and access instructions for basic and advanced functions.

Create Your RefWorks Account

Watch the following video to learn how to set-up a RefWorks account. Contact requesting the code which is required for creation of a RefWorks account.