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HLSV 5740: Financial Issues in Health Services Administration

A guide to help students understand the library resources relevant to HLSV 5740 research assignments

Find company information

For private companies, there may be less detailed company information available in general, because private companies are not required to disclose the same information as public companies. You may want to do a web search for your company and if they have a website, some of the company information you seek may be included on their website. In addition to looking at their websites, consider searching the SEC EDGAR, Mergent Intellect, and Nexis Uni databases. Nexis Uni is a great source for both company information and news stories. 

If you are struggling to find information on your chosen hospital, you may also want to search Mergent Archives database. In addition, you could do a web search for your company name + SEC or 10K. For example

LHP Hospital Partners AND SEC

IASIS Healthcare AND 10K

The results may include SEC filings that contain detailed information for the company.

Databases that contain company information

Instructions for searching Nexis Uni for company information and news

  • From the Nexis Uni interface, you’ll see a box on the left side titled, “guided search”. Click the “company info” link within that box
  • Enter the company name into the “Search in all Company information for:” box. Click search—

  • Select the company name from the results list—


  • You can use the “About this document” section on the right side of the page as a table of contents, to jump between sections—


Nexis Uni is also a great place to search for news items related to companies. Starting at the Nexis Uni homepage, just click the “news” link inside the “guided search” box, then type the company name into the search box, to find news articles about that company—