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LGBTQ+ Music Resources

Scholarly and performance resources that represent works by and about LGBTQ+ musicians

Scholarly Organizations

International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Music, Gender and Sexuality 

“The ICTM Study Group on Music and Gender seeks to promote the growth of insight  and understanding of gender as a critical factor in social interaction and thereby contribute meaningful theoretical dimensions to any study of musical culture.” 

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Study Group of the American Musicological Society 

“The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Study Group is a recognized special interest group of the American Musicological Society. Our objectives include increasing awareness of sexuality and music in the academy, promoting contact among music scholars working in LGBTQ studies, and establishing a forum for the presentation of such research. We also intend to provide an environment in which to examine the process of coming out in academia, and to contribute to a positive political climate for affirmative action and LGBTQ curricula.” 

The LGBTQ+ Music Study Group 

“The LGBTQ+ Music Study Group was established in 2016 and receives support from professional bodies throughout the UK and Ireland: the British Forum for  Ethnomusicology (BFE), the Royal Musical Association (RMA), the Society for Music Analysis (SMA), and the Society for Musicology in Ireland (SMI). The Group’s mission is threefold: 1) to promote academic inquiry into issues of gender and sexuality in the study of music; 2) to create a safe space and support system for LGBTQ+  people within the scholarly community; and 3) to serve as a consulting body for wider issues of diversity and inclusion within music research, education and performance. Aspiring toward a queer politics informed by feminist and decolonizing efforts, our Study Group  provides a space for cultivating and developing cutting edge academic, political and and social work.” 

Queer Resource Group of the Society for Music Theory 

“The SMT Queer Resource Group (SMT-LGTB) explores issues of gender and sexuality  as they pertain to music theory scholarship and to the professional lives of music  theorists.”