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EPSY 5143 AOP: Advanced Adolescent Development

Useful library information for EPSY 5143 AOP, Advanced Adolescent Development, Amy J. Anderson, Ph.D.

Required Readings for EPSY 5143

Course Textbook
Arnett, J. J. (2018). Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach (6th ed.). Pearson. 

Course Materials by Module
Module 1
Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties.  American Psychologist, 55(5), 469–480.

Rudolph, K. D., Troop-Gordon, W., Lambert, S. F., & Natsuaki, M. N. (2014). Long-term consequences of pubertal timing for youth depression: Identifying personal and contextual pathways of risk. Development and Psychopathology, 26(4pt2), 1423-1444.

Module 2

Hollarek, M., & Lee, N. C. (2022). Current understanding of developmental changes in adolescent perspective taking. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101308.

Sánchez, B., Esparza, P., Colón, Y., & Davis, K. E. (2010). Tryin’ to make it during the transition from high school: The role of family obligation attitudes and economic context for Latino-emerging adults. Journal of Adolescent Research, 25(6), 858-884.

Module 3
Nelson, S. C., Syed, M., Tran, A. G. T. T., Hu, A. W., & Lee, R. M. (2018). Pathways to ethnic-racial identity development and psychological adjustment: The differential associations of cultural socialization by parents and peers. Developmental Psychology, 54(11), 2166–2180.

Perry, D.G. & Pauletti, R.E. (2011). Gender and adolescent development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 61-74.

Module 4

De Vries, D. A., Vossen, H. G., & van der Kolk–van der Boom, P. (2019). Social media and body dissatisfaction: investigating the attenuating role of positive parent–adolescent relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 527-536.

Module 5

Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2022). Bullying and cyberbullying offending among US youth: The influence of six parenting dimensions. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(5), 1454-1473.

Whitfield, B., Vizcarra, E., Dane'el, A., Palomares, L., D'Amore, G., Maslowsky, J., & White, K. (2023). Minors' experiences accessing confidential contraception in Texas. Journal of Adolescent Health. 

Module 6
James, A. G., Rudy, D., & Dotterer, A. (2019). Longitudinal examination of relations between school- and home-based parent involvement and GPA across ethnic groups. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 28, 3000-3010.

Module 7

McKenzie, J. (2022). Digital media as sites for cultural identity development: The case of Hmong American emerging adults. Journal of Adolescent Research.

Mortimer, J. T. (2010). The benefits and risks of adolescent employment. The Prevention Researcher, 17(2), p. 8+.

Module 8
Benson, P. L., Scales, P. C., & Syvertsen, A. K. (2011). The contribution of the developmental assets framework to positive youth development theory and practice. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 41, 197-230.

Wittrup, A. R., Hussain, S. B., Albright, J. N., Hurd, N. M., Varner, F. A., & Mattis, J. S. (2019). Natural mentors, racial pride, and academic engagement among black adolescents: Resilience in the context of perceived discrimination. Youth & Society, 51(4), 463-483.