ANTH 5031 Section 400: Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods: Section 400 Assigned Readings by Lesson

An online course guide for ANTH 5031 section 400

Lesson 1

  1. Astuti, Rita. 2017. "On Keeping Up the Tension between Fieldwork and Ethnography." HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7, no. 1 : 9-14. 
  2. Aunger, Robert. 1995.  On Ethnography: Storytelling or Science?  Current Anthropology 36(1):97-130. 
  3. Burton, Linda. 1997. Ethnography and the Meaning of Adolescence in High-Risk Neighborhoods Ethos 25(2): 208-217.  
  4. Casagrande, David; Hope, Diane; Metzger-Farley, Elizabeth; Cook, William; Yabiku, Scott; and Redman, Charles. 2007. Problem and Opportunity: Integrating Anthropology, Ecology, and Policy through Adaptive Experimentation in the Urban U.S. Southwest. Human Organization 66(2): 125-139. 
  5. Fay, Michaela. 2007.   Mobile Subjects, Mobile Methods: Doing Virtual Ethnography in a Feminist  Online Network (Links to an external site.).  Forum: Qualitative Social Research 8 (3). 
  6. Góralska, Magdalena. 2020. Anthropology from Home. Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice 27(1): 46-52. (open access)

  7. Gordon, Tuula; Holland, Janet; Lahelma, Elina, et al. 2005. Gazing with intent: ethnographic practice in classrooms. Qualitative Research 5 (1): 113-131.  
  8. Grimshaw, Anna, and Amanda Ravetz. 2015. “The Ethnographic Turn - and after: A Critical Approach towards the Realignment of Art and Anthropology.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 23 (4): 418–34. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12218.
  9. Gunn, Wendy, and Louise B Løgstrup. “Participant Observation, Anthropology Methodology and Design Anthropology Research Inquiry (Links to an external site.).” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 13, no. 4 (October 2014): 428–42. doi:10.1177/1474022214543874.
  10. Jordan, Ann. 1996. Critical incident story creation and culture formation in a self-directed work team. Journal of Organizational Change Management 9(5):27-35.  
  11. Haenn, Nora; Casagrande, David. 2007    Citizens, Experts, and Anthropologists: Finding Paths in Environmental Policy. Human Organization 66(2): 99-102  
  12. Jules-Rosette, Bennetta; McVey, Cristin; Arbitrario, Mark. 2002. Performance Ethnography: The Theory and Method of Dual Tracking. Field Methods 14 (2): 123-147.  
  13. LeCompte, M.D. 2002. The transformation of ethnographic practice: past and current challenges. Qualitative Research 2 (3): 283-299.
  14. Little, Tariana V.; Farber, Barbera; and Al-Kuwari, Shaikha H. 2015. Becoming Ethnographer: Social Repositioning in the Field. Practicing Anthropology 37(4): 14-17.  
  15. Macphail, Ann. 2004. Athlete and Researcher: Undertaking and Pursuing an Ethnographic Study in a Sports Club. Qualitative Research 4 (2):227-245.  
  16. Mantoukas, Stefanos. 2004. Issues of Representation Within Qualitative Inquiry. Qualitative Health Research 14(7):994-1007.  
  17. Mantzoukas, Stefanos. 2010. Exploring Ethnographic Genres and Developing Validity. Journal of Research in Nursing 17(5):420-435. 
  18. Marcus, George E. 2002. Beyond Malinkowski and After Writing Culture: On the Future of Cultural Anthropology and the Predicament of Ethnography. Australian Journal of Anthropology 13(2):191-199. 
  19. O’Gorman, Aileen. 2001. From Research Design to Execution: Maintaining Consistency and Validity While Responding to Contingencies in the Field. Addiction Research & Theory 9(6):575-585.
  20. Olive, Rebecca. 2013. “Making friends with the neighbours’: Blogging as a research method”. International Journal of Cultural Studies Volume: 16 issue: 1, page(s): 71-84

  21. Pacheco-Vega R, Parizeau K. 2018 Doubly Engaged Ethnography: Opportunities and Challenges When Working With Vulnerable Communities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. December 2018. doi:10.1177/1609406918790653 (open access)

  22. Pink, Sarah (2011) Images, Senses and Applications: Engaging Visual Anthropology,Visual Anthropology, 24:5, 437-454, DOI: 10.1080/08949468.2011.604611
  23. Valentine, Kristin Bervig; Matsumoto, Gordon. 2001. Cultural Performance Analysis Spheres: An Integrated Ethnographic Methodology. Field Methods 13(1):68-87.  
  24. Watts, Jacqueline H. 2008. Emotion, Empathy and Exit: Reflections on Doing Ethnographic Qualitative Research on Sensitive Topics (Links to an external site.). Medical Sociology Online 3(2):3-14. 
  25. Woodthorpe, Kate. 2011. Researching Death: Methodological Reflections on the Management of Critical Distance. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 14(2):99-109. 

Lesson 4

  1. Holtzman, J., 2019. Rice, beer, and salad: Varying constructions of “craving” in Japan. Appetite, 142. 
  2. Han, M., 2023. The logic between nature and culture: food in the wedding traditions across East Asia. International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology, 7(1) 
  3. Wentworth, C., 2017. Good food, bad food, and white rice: understanding child feeding using visual-narrative elicitation. Medical Anthropology, 36(6) 
  4. Serra-Mallol, Christophe, Fabrice Wacalie, Akila Nedjar-Guerre, Guillaume Wattelez, Stéphane Frayon, and Olivier Galy. 2021. "‘Eating Well’ in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories: A Qualitative and Normative Approach to Food Cultures in New Caledonia." Appetite 163: 105192-105192
  5. Fajans, J., 2008. Can moqueca just be fish stew?. Food and identity in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). Anthropology of food, (S4).
  6. Liburd, L.C., 2003. Food, identity, and African-American women with type 2 diabetes: an anthropological perspective. Diabetes Spectrum, 16(3) 
  7. Muchnik, J., Biénabe, E. and Cerdan, C., 2005. Food identity/food quality: insights from the" coalho" cheese in the Northeast of Brazil. Anthropology of food, (4). 
  8. Neely, E., Walton, M. and Stephens, C., 2014. Young people's food practices and social relationships. A thematic synthesis. Appetite, 82 
  9. Neely, Eva, Mat Walton, and Christine Stephens. 2016. "Fostering Social Relationships through Food Rituals in a New Zealand School." Health Education (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England) 116 (5): 434-448.
  10. Wills, W., Backett-Milburn, K., Gregory, S. and Lawton, J., 2008. ‘If the food looks dodgy I dinnae eat it’: Teenagers’ accounts of food and eating practices in socio-economically disadvantaged families. Sociological Research Online, 13(1) 
  11. Kristensen, D.B., Askegaard, S. and Jeppesen, L.H., 2013. ‘If it makes you feel good it must be right’: embodiment strategies for healthy eating and risk management. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(4).

Lesson 5

  • Emerson, Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw. 1995. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago & London.  Chapter 1. e-reserves. You will need course passcode provided by your instructor, to view the pdf e-reserve
  1. Becker, Howard S. 1958. Problems of Inference and Proof in Participant Observation.  American Sociological Review 23(6): 652-660.   
  2. Clancey, William J. 2001. Field Science Ethnography: Methods for Systematic Observation on an Arctic Expedition.  Field Methods 13(3):223-243.   
  3. Clark, Lauren. 2001. What We Learned from a Photographic Component in a Study of Latino Children’s Health.  Field Methods 13(4):303-328.   
  4. Cohen, Jeffrey H. 2000. Problems in the Field: Participant Observation and the Assumption of Neutrality.  Field Methods 12(4):316-333.    
  5. Drury, John and Clifford Stott. 2001. Bias as a Research Strategy in Participant Observation: The Case of Intergroup Conflict.  Field Methods 13(1):47-67.   
  6. Eisenhart, Margaret. 2001. Educational Ethnography Past, Present, and Future: Ideas to Think With. Educational Researcher 30(8):16-27.  
  7. Enguix, Begonya. 2012. Negotiating the Field: Rethinking Ethnographic Authority, Experience and the Frontiers of Research. Qualitative Research 0(0):1-16.
  8. Gans, Herbert J. 1999. Participant Observation in the Era of 'Ethnography'.  Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 28, no. 5 (1999): 540-548 
  9. Gitte Wind. 2008. Negotiated interactive observation: Doing fieldwork in hospital settings. Anthropology & Medicine, 15:2:79-89.
  10. Hong, Lawrence K. and Robert W. Duff. 2002. Modulated Participant-Observation: Managing the Dilemma of Distance in Field Research.  Field Methods 14(2):190-196.    
  11. Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2002. The Natives are Gazing and Talking Back: Reviewing the Problematics of Positionality, Voice, and Accountability among “Native” Anthropologists. American Anthropologist 104(3):791-804.  
  12. Johnson, Jeffery. 2006. The Active Participant-Observer: Applying Social Role Analysis to Participant Observation.  Field Methods 18(2):111-134.   
  13. Keiding, T.B. 2011. Observing Patricipating Observation – A Re-description Based on Systems Theory. Historical Social Research [s.1.], v. 26(1):106-123.  
  14. Li, Jun. 2008. Ethical Challenges in Participant Observation: A Reflection on Ethnographic Fieldwork. The Qualitative Report 13(1):100-115.  
  15. Mazie, Steven V. and Patricia J. Woods. 2003. Prayer, Contentious Politics, and the Women of the Wall: The Benefits of Collaboration in Participant Observation at Intense, Multifocal Events.  Field Methods 15(1): 25-50.   
  16. McCorkel, Jill A. and Kristen Myers. 2003. What Difference Does Difference Make? Position and Privilege in the Field. Qualitative Sociology 26(2):199-231. 
  17. McCurdy, Patrick, and Julie Uldam. 2014. “Connecting Participant Observation Positions: Toward a Reflexive Framework for Studying Social Movements.” Field Methods 26, no. 1: 40–55. 
  18. Mohr, B., Hovermann, P., & Roelcke, V. 2012. Participant observation and change of perspectives: medical anthropology and the encounter with socially marginalised groups: First experiences with a new teaching concept. GMS Zeitschrift fur medizinische Ausbildung29(5), Doc66.
  19. O'Brain, Robin. 1998. Stationary Spot Behavior and Extended Observation: Adapting Time Allocation to Marketplaces. Cultural Anthropology Methods 10(3): 57-60. e-reserves. You will need course passcode provided by your instructor, to view the pdf e-reserve
  20. Power, Robert. 1989. Participant Observation and its Place in the Study of Illicit Drug Abuse. British Journal of Addiction.  84(1):43-52.   
  21. Prentice, Rebecca. 2008. Knowledge, Skill, and the Inculcation of the Anthropologist: Reflections on Learning to Sew in the Field.  Anthropology of Work Review 29(3):54-61 
  22. Savage, Jan. 2000. Participative Observation: Standing in the Shoes of Others? Qualitative Health Research 10(3):324-339.  
  23. Tjora, Aksel H. 2006. “Writing Small Discoveries: An Exploration of Fresh Observers’ Observations.” Qualitative Research 6, no. 4: 429–51.
  24. van der Geest, Sjaak and Samuel Sarkodie. 1998. The Fake Patient: A Research Experiment in a Ghanaian Hospital.  Social Science and Medicine 47(9):1373-1381.    

Lesson 6

  1. Abell, Jackie, Abigail Locke, Susan Condor, Stephen Gibson, and Clifford Stevenson. 2006. Trying similarity, doing difference: the role of interviewer self-disclosure in interview talk with young people. Qualitative Research. 6:221 - 244.   
  2. Barkin, Gareth. 2004. Field Notes as a Web Site: Integrating Multimedia into Anthropological Documents. Field Methods 16(2):203-214. 
  3. Bernard, H. Russell, Peter Killworth, David Kronenfeld and Lee Sailer. 1984. The Problem of Informant Accuracy: The Validity of Retrospective Data. Annual Review of Anthropology 13:495-517.  
  4. Boeije, H. R. 2004. And Then There Were Three: Self-Presentational Styles and the Presence of the Partner as a Third Person in the Interview.  Field Methods 16(1):3-22.   
  5. Bubandt, Nils. 2009. Interview with an Ancestor: Sprits as Informants and the Politics of Possession in North Maluku. Ethnography 10(3):291-316. 
  6. Carpiano, Richard M. 2009. Come Take a Walk with Me: The “Go-Along” Interview as a Novel Method for Studying the Implications of Place for Health and Well-Being. Health & Place 15:263-272.  
  7. Chen, Shu-Hsin. 2011. Power Relations Between the Researcher and the Researched: An Analysis of Native and Nonnative Ethnographic Interview. Field Methods 23(2):119-135.   
  8. De Leon, Jason and Jeffrey H. Cohen. 2005. Object and Walking Probes in Ethnographic Interviewing.  Field Methods 17(2): 200-204.    
  9. Dean, John P. and William F. Whyte. 1958. How Do You Know If the Informant is Telling the Truth?  Human Organization 17:34-38.   
  10. Dick, Hilary P. 2006. What to do with “I Don’t Know:” Elicitation in Ethnographic & Survey Interviews. Qualitative Sociology 29(1): 87-102. 
  11. Grant, Matthew A., Lia N. Rohr, and J. Tobin Grant. 2012. How Informants Answer Questions?: Implications for Reflexivity. Field Methods 24(2):230-246.
  12. Hathaway, Andrew and Michael Atkinson. 2003. Active Interview Tactics in Research on Public Deviants: Exploring the Two-Cop Personas. Field Methods 15(2):161-185. 
  13. Kawulich, Barbara B. 2010. Gatekeeping: An Ongoing Adventure in Research. Field Methods 23(1):57-76.  
  14. Lawlor, Mary C. and Cheryl F. Mattingly. 2001. Beyond Unobtrusive Observer: Reflections on Researcher-Informant Relationships in Urban Ethnography. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 55(2):147-154.  
  15. Maiolo, John and Edward Glazier. 1994. Comparing Interviewing Protocols in the Field. Cultural Anthropology Methods 6(2).  e-reserves You will need course passcode provided by your instructor, to view the pdf e-reserve
  16. Nachman, S. 1984. Lies My Informants Told Me. Journal of Anthropological Research 40:536-55. 
  17. Nairn, Karen, Jenny Munro, and Ann Smith. 2005. A Counter-narrative of a ‘failed’ interview. Qualitative Research 5:221-244.   
  18. Romney, A. Kimball, Susan C. Weller, and William H. Batchelder. 1986. Culture as Consensus: A Theory of culture and informant accuracy. American Anthropologist 88(2): 313-338.  
  19. Walford, Geoffrey. 2007. Classification and Framing of Interviews in Ethnographic Interviewing.  Ethnography and Education 2(2):145-157. 
  20. Werner, Oswald. 1999. When Recording Is Impossible. Field Methods 11(1):71-76. 
  21. Winchatz, Michaela, R. 2006. Fieldworker or Foreigner?: Ethnographic Interviewing in Nonnative Languages. Field Methods 18(1):83-97. 

Lesson 8

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