Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
To search for books in the UNT Libraries' collection, start at the library homepage,
Next select the "Books and More" tab in the central blue box
You can choose to search within all fields, title, author, or subject fields, by clicking the down arrow on the right of the search box where it says "all fields." The default is "all fields."
Type your search terms into the search box, then click search.
The next page will display search results from the Discover, the library catalog. From this view, you can limit your results to print ("at the library") or online only, by resource type, by format or media type, by collection or building location, and more by selecting limiters from the left column.
Click on a title, to view a more detailed record for the item. From the detailed record for a print book, you can click on the "Request this item for pickup" link to have the book placed on hold for you at one of the libraries. If you prefer to retrieve the book off the shelf yourself, note the call number and the item's location. You can click on the hyperlinked location (in this example, Willis 3rd floor) to see a map of that floor which will show you the location of call number ranges.
Also from the detailed record, you can copy a citation of the item, by clicking the "Cite This" link. By selecting the "Add to Refworks" link you can export this citation to your Refworks bibliographic management account.
To access electronic books, click on the "Connect to online resource" link within the detailed record (shown below). You will then be prompted to authenticate with your euid and euid password. If you have trouble viewing e-books, please contact your Subject Librarian or Ask Us.
The box below provides instructions for searching the library catalog for books. Most behavior analysis print books are located on the 3rd floor of Willis Library. If you prefer to browse the shelves try RC489 area for a start.