TARA Lab--Technology and Appllied Research in Autism LabTARA is an exploratory, research-driven, hands-on laboratory designed to support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in grades K-6.
Faculty members in the newly created College of Information provide the vision, direction, and technology support for TARA by working on the following outcomes:
a. researching technology products and tools (collaborative virtual environments, computer assisted instruction, and video), and disseminating findings that enhance the functional capability of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders,
b. creating technology tools that support the social and academic needs of individuals within the Autism Spectrum,
c. creating a central repository for assistive and adaptive technology tools that can be evaluated and explored on site,
d. hosting “Evenings Exploring Autism” where exceptional individuals with Autism share their amazing talents and explain some of their challenges, and
e. hosting Focus Groups where parents, caregivers, and teachers learn more about technology, visual supports,and strategies to aid those with Autism.