Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
To find books on saints and the social, cultural and political aspects of their cults, search the UNT Library Catalog.
*To search, choose the "subject" or "keyword" search options. Search the name of the saint or the artist of the art work (if known).
Search by last name, first name. Example: von Bingen, Hildegard, or Bingen, Hildegard, or Hildegard, Saint (for Saint Hildegard von Bingen).
*Other Subject search examples: Saints, Hagiography.
Examples of Keyword searches: Saints AND Medieval, Saints AND Art, Martyr AND Christianity, Martyrdom AND Christianity, Saints AND Relics, Saints AND Cults.
*These art reference books are located in the Willis Library on the 3rd floor. They are non-circulating, but can be scanned (for free), copied or used in the library. Click on the title of the book to see the location and call number.
*Search for the name of your saint in the following books. Saints are listed alphabetically in most of these books.
Encyclopedia of Monasticism (2 vols.)
Encyclopedia of the Medieval World
The Oxford Dictionary of Saints
Post-Biblical Saints Art Index: a Locator of Paintings, Sculptures, Mosaics, Icons, Frescoes, Manuscript Illuminations, Sketches, Woodcuts, and Engravings
*A sampling of regular circulating books on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library. Click on the title to see the location and call number.
The Architectural Setting of the Cult of Saints in the Early Christian West, c.300-1200
Catholic Religious Orders; Listing Conventional and Full Names in English, foreign language, and Latin, also abbreviations, date and country of origin and founders
Decorations for the Holy Dead: Visual Embellishments on Tombs and Shrines of Saints
The Habit: a History of the Clothing of Catholic Nuns
Hagiography and the Cult of Saints: the Diocese of Orléans, 800-1200
Hermits and the New Monasticism: a Study of Religious Communities in Western Europe, 1000-1150
How to Distinguish the Saints in Art by their Costumes, Symbols, and Attributes
Iconography of the Saints in the Painting of North West Italy (4 vols.)
Images, Relics, and Devotional Practices in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
Instruction et Vie Religieuse dans le Haut Moyen Age
Medieval Hagiography: an Anthology
Medieval Irish Saints' Lives: an Introduction to Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae
Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages
Middle English Legends of Women Saints
Middle English Saints' Legends
Monasticism Order in England; a History of Its Development from the Times of St. Dunstan to the Fourth Lateran Council, 940-1216
Personal Names Studies of Medieval Europe: Social Identity and Familial Structures
The Royal Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: a Study of West Saxon and East Anglian Cults
Sacred Biography: Saints and Their Biographers in the Middle Ages
Sainted Women of the Dark Ages
Saints' Lives in Middle English Collections
Saints: Studies in Hagiography
Signs and Wonders: Saints, Miracles, and Prayers from the 4th century to the 14th
Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints' Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Spirituality and Law: Courting Martyrdom in Christianity and Judaism
Text, Image, Message Saints: Formations and Transformations
A Latin-Greek Index of the Vulgate New Testament
*Search the World Catalog to find out about books and other materials on your topic. The World Catalog contains more than 35 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. World Catalog does not include individual journal, magazine or newspaper articles.
*Books not owned by the UNT Libraries may be requested to be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan.
*If you know the name of the artist who painted the saint, search the artist's name in the biographical reference books listed below. Be sure to search their name in the following manner: (last name, first). The artist's name may have been spelled differently in different countries. Be sure to consult these books to find these alternate spellings, so that you do not miss vital resources on the artist.
These art reference books are located on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library. They are non-circulating, but can be scanned (for free), copied and used in the library.
Dictionary of Artists (Benezit)
N40 .D5213 2006 14 vols.
One of the best sources available. Includes artists from antiquity to the 20th century. Also includes many artist's signatures.
The Benezit Dictionary of Artists is also available as a database in English now.
*If accessing off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password before the database will open.
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker (General Artist-Lexicon),
N40 .A63 1992 47 vols.
This source is in German but is the most comprehensive source available. It covers artists from antiquity to the 20th century.
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: Bio-Bibliographischer Index nach Berufen = (The Artists of the World: bio-bibliographical index by profession)
N40 .A625 2002 14 vols.
This is a great source for fine craftsmen such as goldsmiths, engravers, printmakers, etc., from antiquity to the 20th century.
Biographical Resources on the Artists Who Depicted the Saint: Journal Articles
For journal articles on the artists who depicted the saint, search the journal databases under the "Journal Articles" tab in this guide. Search their names in this manner: Martini, Simone (last name, first name).