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ARTH 4848: Art History Senior Seminar Gender and Design, 1850–Today

A library research guide for Dr. Carey Gibbons's ARTH 4848: Art History Senior Seminar Gender and Design, 1850–Today

How to Find books on Gender and Design from 1850- today.

How to Find Books on Gender and Design

Search the UNT Libraries Catalog 

1. To access the catalog, go to the UNT Libraries home page.
2. Choose the "Cataloged Books & More" tab.

Keyword Search examples:

Designers or other People (last name, first): Albers, Anni; Morris, William 
Topic: Albers, Anni AND Textiles; Textiles AND Gender; Paper dolls AND gender; Advertising AND women 

How to Find and Request Books not Owned by the UNT Libraries