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ART 1700 Foundations: Space

Library research resources and The Spark workshops in support of ART 1700 Foundations: Space class. Professor Rachel Black.

How to Find Art Books and Artists' Exhibition Catalogs

Books on Artists, Art Movements, Artists' Exhibition Catalogs and Techniques

To find art books, go to the UNT Libraries home page:, click on the "Books & More" tab, then type your search in the keyword search box. 

Artist Keyword Search exampleSmith, Kiki
Artist Exhibition Catalog Search: Smith, Kiki AND Exhibition.
Art Movement Keyword Search examples: Fauvism, Cubism, Postmodernism
Art Technique Keyword Search examples: Drawing AND Technique, Painting AND Technique, Pastels AND Technique
Art Topic: Drawing AND Art, Space AND Art, Sculpture, Land Art, Computer Art, Smith, Kiki AND Biography

Be sure to note if your book is an e-book or physical book.
E-Books can be read online without coming to the library. *If accessing off campus, you will be asked to input your EUID and EUID password before the book will open.
Physical art books are one the 3rd floor of the Willis Library (unless otherwise noted). They can be checked out at the self-checkout machine using your UNT ID card.

National and International Art Exhibition Catalogs

Contemporary National and International Art Exhibition Catalogs

The UNT Libraries subscribe to the most important national and international annual, biennal, and triennal art exhibition catalogs. Look in these catalogs to find out about cutting edge art and artists in the contemporary art world. All art exhibition catalogs are located on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library.

Whitney Biennial
(New York), N6512 .W5321

Biennale di Venezia
(Venice, Italy), N6488.I8 V43

(Kassel, Germany), N6588.G3 K3718

Biennale of Sydney
(Sydney, Australia), N6488.A8 S92