The UNT Libraries collection contains many newspapers. There are several ways to access the newspaper subscriptions in our collection, but the simplest way to access multiple daily newspapers in one platform is through the resource, PressReader. PressReader contains domestic and international newspapers, including: Dallas Morning News, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, The Daily Telegraph, and more.
- To read a daily newspaper through PressReader, you can start by searching for PressReader (or Press Reader) in the "Databases & E-Resources" tab on

- You will be asked to log in with your euid and euid password, if you are off campus.
- To select a publication from PressReader, use the coffee cup icon in the top left corner to open the PressReader HotSpot menu and click "Select Publication"

- Then browse or search publications

- Once you've selected a publication, double click or use the mouse roller to zoom in and out and arrow left and right or drag with your mouse to change pages.
- To print, save, share, listen to an article, click on the title of an article then click the waffle icon in the right corner of the page --

- You will have to create a free account, to use the save and share options.
If the newspaper you want to read is not included in PressReader, you can search the E-Journals tab on by newspaper title, to find out if the library provides current access to your preferred newspaper and if so, through what database. For some newspapers our library subscription will not include the full content of each issue. For the Wall Street Journal, you can create a free personal account through the library's subscription, to access all the newspaper content. If you have questions about accessing newspapers, please get in touch with your subject librarian or contact Ask Us for help.