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PSCI 4826: Women, War, and Peace

Library research guide for PSCI 4700

Welcome to the Class Page for PSCI 4700

This class page is for the Building Peace Project in Dr. Marijke Breuning's Political Science 4700, Women, War, and Peace course; however, it has basic research steps and tools that are useful for any research you do. If you find you need more help, use the Ask Us services. Library reference staff members can be reached in person and through phone and email. You may also contact the Subject Librarian for the Political Science Department, Brea Henson.

General Library Information

UNT Libraries Locations

UNT has several libraries. Most Political Science materials can be found on the Mezzanine Level of Sycamore Library, which is located inside Sycamore Hall You can find a map of library locations here:

The UNT Libraries offer a variety of service for our students:

How to use the research guide

This library research guide is a tool to help you locate resources to support both parts of your Building Peace Project.

  • The tab Peace Project has information about the project directly from your course syllabus for your convenience. 
  • The tab Developing a Research Question has an activity to help you formulate a research project, a graphic on the research cycle, and evaluation criteria for your sources. 
  • The tab Searching for Books will help you find print and electronic books and government documents to support your project research.
  • The tab Academic Search Complete shows you how to use a library database to search for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles (which are articles written by experts in the field). Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database. 
  • The tab JSTOR shows you how to use a library database to search for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. JSTOR is a multidisciplinary database. 
  • The tab Additional Resources provides some additional electronic resources that you may need to support your project. You may find everything you need to support your research using Academic Search Complete and the library catalog, but additional resources are on this tab if you find you need additional resources. 
  • The tab Example of Peace Projects gives you some tools to get started on the second part of your project. You may still need to refer back to the previous tabs if you need more resources for this part.

Please contact your Political Science Librarian to schedule a library research appointment if you need help!

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