ProQuest Political Science Journals includes articles from leading political science journals, including such topics as comparative politics, political economy, international development, and environmental policy. Dates of Coverage: 1985 - current.
To access Communication and Mass Media Complete, go to the Databases & E-Resources tab on the library homepage. Begin typing ProQuest Political Science and select it from the drop down menu. If you are off campus you will be asked to enter your EUID and Password.

Enter your search terms in the text box highlighted in yellow below. If you are searching for a phrase such as "economic globalization" and Asia search the phrase in quotes so the database will retrieve articles with those words back to back instead of anywhere in the article. You can also check the Peer reviewed box (circled in red below) so you will only retrieve peer reviewed articles before you click the search button to the right of the search box (also circled in red below.)

The results page will show over 800 articles. You can narrow or limit your search by adding additional search terms such as and "free trade" (highlighted in yellow below.) Using and will let the database know you want articles with both the terms "free trade" and the phrase "economic globalization" and Asia. You can also limit by Publication date (circled in red below.) Click the search button (circled in red) to the right of the text box.

If you have questions, please ask your Political Science Librarian!