From the course syllabus for the Book Review assignment: To help you better understand the historical, legal, personal and constitutional contexts in which Supreme Court cases are decided in, you will write a book review on a case covered in the Landmark Law Cases and American Society series by the University Press of Kansas. I will post the link to the complete list of books in the series on Blackboard. After selecting your book, you will write a review of the book identifying the the facts of the case, its historical context, and its impact on society. Upon completing this assignment, you should have a better understanding of how a multiplicity of complex factors shape constitutional change in America.
1) From the UNT Libraries home page use the bento box (pictured below) to locate Landmark Law Cases for this assignment. Select the Books & More tab (circled in red below), type Landmark Law Cases in the text box (highlighted in yellow below), use the drop down menu below the text box to select Title (highlighted in yellow below), and then click the green Search button to the right of the text box.
2) On the results page there is a list of the titles the library owns in this series, click on the title of the first book.
3) In the record below view the Table of contents link (highlighted in yellow below) or the Subjects (underlined in yellow below) to determine if the topic is of interest. The Request this item for pickup link (highlighted in yellow below) will allow you to place a hold on the item from home and pick it up at the library the next day!
If you have any questions, please contact your Political Science Librarian or your Legal Studies Librarian.