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Denton High School

What is Thorough Research?

"Thorough research" 

  1. Reviewing all sources and finding relevant information for your paper..
  2. Use correct sources (popular or scholarly) based on your assignment requirements. Use recommended databases from your school which guarantees the quality of the material found. If you use Google, Google Scholar, Yahoo or another search engine you have to evaluate the source which takes a considerable amount of time. 
  3. Using more than one sources gives a broader perspective on a subject. All journals write to a specific audience and the more articles or items you reference the greater your understanding of the current discussions surrounding your topic.

Evidence Explained. (2014, July 29). QuickTips.


Extended Essay/Research Paper

A research paper can be argumentative (topic should be debatable or controversial) or analytical (informative research with critical interpretation or sources). 

Benefits from the Extended Essay process:

  • Learn tremendous knowledge about your topic
  • Learn how to conduct academic research
  • How to write a formal academic paper
  • Develop your creative and critical thinking skills


How to strengthen your research:

  • Your primary and secondary sources give validation to your research. The more sources you have, the broader your understanding of your topic 
  • Remember the type of source you use determines the quality of your information
  • scholarly source or peer reviewed source 


Remember to Scaffold your research by breaking it down into steps. This helps you to stay on track and makes the tasks less intimidating.


An Annotated Bibliography is a great tool for research.  It helps you to organize your research.  Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the source for your research.

  • What is the author’s purpose (thesis)?  Look at the introduction and conclusion
  • Who is the author audience? Look at how the information is organized, what are the main sections, what is emphasized, why.
  • Look at the opening sentence in the paragraphs to get an idea of the main point of the paragraph.
  • Is this information useful for your paper?

Boolean Operator

Use Boolean operators to focus your search and find useful results.

AND - Use AND to narrow your results.

OR - Use OR to broaden your search

NOT - Use NOT to exclude terms from your search


Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting from Purdue OWL




  • Must reference the original source
  • The text is much shorter than the original text. (For example, one may write a single page to summarize a four-page article.)
  • Must use your own words, usually with a very limited use of quotations.
  • Must reference the original source
  • The text produced may be shorter or longer than the original text
  • Must use your own words
  • Must reference the original source
  • The text produced is the exact length of the original text quoted (unless ellipses are used)
  • Use the original author’s exact words
  • Put quotation marks around the original author’s exact words
  • Include the page number of the original source from which you borrowed the author’s original language.

Databases and Online Resources

Word and Google Videos

[ProfessionalTraining]. (2015, Dec 21). Table of Contents in Word 2016 [Video File]. Retrieved from 

[StaceyRoshan]. (2016, Mar 15). Google Docs: Table of Contents, Headers, & Outline Tool [Video File]. Retrieved from 

Literature Review and synthesizing Sources