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COMM 4140: Gender & Communication

Welcome to your Communication Studies Class Guide

I am your Communication Studies subject librarian and I am here to help you with your research and citation.  Please take a look at this class guide it is filled with valuable, helpful information.  The UNT Library website is and this website contains lots of important information along with your search boxes to find books, journal articles, online books and online articles and more.  

Communication Studies Website

Gender Studies

Databases and Journals

Some journals that are "friendly" to rhetorical perspectives

Quarterly journal of speech  (0033-5630)  

Women's studies in communication  (0749-1409)    

Communication and critical/cultural studies  (1479-1420)  

Communication, culture & critique  (1753-9129)    

Critical studies in media communication  (1529-5036)

Howard journal of communications (1064-6175) 

Rhetoric & public affairs  (1094-8392)   

Feminist media studies  (1468-0777)   

Some journals that are NOT "friendly" to rhetorical perspectives

Communication education (0363-4523) 

Communication monographs  (0363-7751)    

Communication studies  (1051-0974)   

 Communication teacher  (1740-4622)    

Journal of applied communication research : JACR (0090-9882)   


What is the difference between research materials?

Reliability of research

Validity gives confidence in conclusions:

  • Internal Validity – Cause and effect conclusions from research results illustrating the reasons why.
  • External Validity – confidence in generalizing findings with other people and situations.
  • Construct Validity – confidence that the theoretical constructs in the study are reflected in real life situations.

Types of research

  • Quantitative research – uses codes created to represent an observation through measurement. This gives reliability (consistency to evaluate), falsifiability (hypothesis testing, something is proven wrong) and replication (duplication of the study). This research focuses on answering a particular question.
  • Qualitative research – observations converted into records based on the observer’s belief in what is important. This research can provide precise details about a witnessed occurrence and the context in which it happens.

Applied Research – directed toward a solution to a problem.

Basic research – to understand the fundamental nature of phenomena.


Altermatt, Bill. “Evaluating Research, Types of Research”. 2008. PDF.