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Applied Gerontology: Videos

Streaming videos from the Libraries

A tutorial on how to search for streaming films in the UNT Libraries collection

Searching for Media

The Media Library has two primary types of videos:

  • Physical videos: DVDs, as well as older formats such as VCR, videodisc, and 16 mm film
  • Online videos:streaming videos that can be viewed online.

When searching for videos, you will find both in the UNT Library Catalog.


To search specifically for streaming videos in the UNT Libraries catalog, you may perform a basic keyword search using "online media" as a search term.  For example:

aging and "online media"


To search for DVDs in the UNT Libraries catalog, use the Advanced Keyword Search:

  • Any Field: the search term of your choice
  • Video: select DVD

For example:

Any field: aging and Video: DVD

Browsing Online Video Collections

If you want to browse streaming video titles, you can access the following onine video collections and browse by discipline. 

Selected DVDs at the UNT Libraries