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BEHV 3000: Autism I Basic Techniques: Books/Websites


Finding books in the UNT Libraries Catalog

Locating Books in the UNT Library Catalog

To locate books in the UNT Library catalog, use either a subject or keyword search.  You can access the catalog here: UNT Library Catalog

Note: Behavior Analysis books are located in Willis Library, on the third floor. Possible Library of Congress call numbers for Behavior Analysis books are:

  • BF180-199
  • LB5-3640
  • RA790-790.95

Locations and maps for the libraries

If you need help using the catalog, you can-- 

  • Check out the Basic and Advanced Research guide and click on the "Find Books" tab for a library catalog tutorial
  • For personal assistance contact the Behavior Analysis Librarian or go to Ask Us.

If you need a book that UNT doesn't own, you can borrow it from another library using Interlibrary Loan.