Step 1: Use your statement to determine your search terms. Your librarian's example is: South American countries with greater political participation among women have higher life expectancy and socioeconomic status.
The terms in bold above ("South America" and "political participation" and women) will be used as search terms in the database.
Step 2: Go to the UNT Libraries home page, select Databases (circled in red below) on the left hand side of the blue box, select ProQuest Political Science (highlighted in yellow below) from the "Go Directly to" drop down menu and click Go. (If you are off campus you will be asked to log in with your EUID and Password.)
Step 3: From the ProQuest Political Science home page type "South America" and "political participation" (highlighted in yellow below) into the search box. Also, select the Peer reviewed checkbox (circled in red below) so you only pull up scholarly/peer reviewed articles. Then click the blue search button to the right. We are searching "South America" in quotes, this lets the database know you only want results with those 2 words back to back. Using the word and in between "South America" and "political participation" lets the database know you only want results that have both those phrases (but in any order.)
Step 4: The results page will give you over 300 results. You need to narrow your search to make it more specific to you your statement. Add the term and "women" (highlighted in yellow below) to the search box and click the Search button to the right. Since this needs to be a contemporary issue, you may also narrow by Publication date (circled in red below) to the last 10 years (for example). Depending on your topic you may need to broaden or narrow your search.
Step 5: If you are having trouble finding articles for your topic please contact your Political Science Librarian, you may just need to consider other search terms. There are several other databases to find scholarly/peer reviewed articles. Ask your librarian for suggestions or use the Additional Electronic Resources tab in this research guide for alternatives.