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Required Text:
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2014. Interest Groups and Lobbying: Pursuing Political Interests in America. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Copies of your text book are located at the Sycamore Library Services Desk on two hour reserve (you will need your UNT ID card) and online as an electronic book.
Finding Course Reserves
From your course syllabus:
Preliminary Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
The first portion of the research paper due is your proposed paper topic and an initial, tentative annotated bibliography. For this assignment, you will be asked to identify which interest group or advocacy organization you plan to analyze final your final paper and to provide a preliminary annotated bibliography. Your annotated bibliography should contain a list (using a proper citation style) of 5-7 scholarly sources that you plan to cite and a 2 to 3 bullet points summarizing what the source says and why you plan to use it.
Please note that scholarly sources include academic books, academic journal articles, textbooks, newspapers, official government websites. Wikipedia, social media, and blogs are NOT considered scholarly sources. All sources must be properly cited using a recognized citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago).
Rough Draft and Feedback Cover Sheet
Next, you will be asked to submit a first draft (7 pages long, double spaced in 12 pt Times New Roman font) of your final policy paper at the beginning of November. Along with that draft, you should submit a one page cover sheet that identifies one aspect of your paper that you would most like to receive assistance with and one aspect of your paper that you believe is its key strength.
Brief Paper Presentation
Third, you will be asked to provide the class with a 5-minute presentation of your final paper during the last two weeks of class (presentation times will be determined by lottery). These presentations should provide a brief overview of your selected organization, its strategy, and your analysis of why it was or was not successful or influential. PowerPoint is not expected. Presentations will be graded based on completion.
Final Paper and Revision Memo
Finally, you will be required to submit a final, 15-page policy paper for this class. Along with the final paper, you are also required to submit a one-page memo indicating how you choose to respond to the feedback your received on your rough draft. This memo will indicate which changes you made and it may explain which recommendations you did not incorporate and why.
The final paper will be graded on the quality of the analysis, the degree to which you responded to feedback on your rough draft, the inclusion and proper citation of 10 scholarly sources, and effective use of spelling and grammar.
UNT has several libraries. Most Political Science materials can be found on the Mezzanine Level of Sycamore Library, which is located inside Sycamore Hall You can find a map of library locations here:
The UNT Libraries offer a variety of service for our students: