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PSCI 3120: Women and Politics

Library research guide for PSCI 3120

Welcome to the Class Page for PSCI 3120

This class page is for the Public Policy Paper in Dr. Ashley English's Political Science 3120, Women and Politics course; however, it has basic research steps and tools that are useful for any research you do. If you find you need more help, use the Ask Us services. Library reference staff members can be reached in person and through phone and email. You may also contact the Subject Librarian for the Political Science Department, Brea Henson.

General Library Information

UNT Libraries Locations

UNT has several libraries. Most Political Science materials can be found on the Mezzanine Level of Sycamore Library, which is located inside Sycamore Hall You can find a map of library locations here:

The UNT Libraries offer a variety of service for our students:

Public Policy Paper

The following is from your course syllabus:

As the new administration and the new members of Congress enter office, women’s advocates will begin to present our new elected and appointed officials with proposals and policy papers that explain how they can represent women and address women’s once they enter office. To better understand how women and their advocates participate in these policy debates, each student will create an effective, 10-page written, critical analysis of a public policy issue of their choice that is of concern to American women that draws on the existing research on women in American politics and public policy.

Final papers should be formatted like a real world public policy paper, which means they need to complete the following 5 tasks:

Identify a public policy issue that is of interest to women (or some subgroups of women)

Explain why the issue of interest to women (or some subgroups of women)

Explain why the issue is an example of an important public policy problem that policymakers need to solve

Provide 2-3 alternatives for how policymakers could address the issue

Make a final recommendation about which of the recommended alternatives is the most likely to help women and why

PSCI 3120 Course Reserves

Your text books are located at the Sycamore Library Services Desk on two hour reserve (you will need your UNT ID card).

Finding Course Reserves

  • Use the Course Reserves box below to search by course letter or your instructor's last name.
  • Select P for PSCI 3120 under the Browse Course by Letter heading or by the first letter of the instructors last name under the Browse Instructor by Last Name heading.
  • Take the call number and your UNT ID card to the Sycamore Library Services Desk to request the book.

Course Reserves

Browse Course by Letter:

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Browse Instructor by Last Name:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z