To access Family & Society Studies Worldwide go to the Databases tab (circled in red below) from the blue box on the Libraries home page. Start typing Family into the text box, you will see Family & Society Studies Worldwide in the list of suggestions (highlighted in yellow below), click on this link to access the database.
Use the text box shown below to enter your search terms. In the example, "food insecurity" and gender (highlighted in yellow below), "food insecurity" is placed in quotes so the database knows you want to search those two words back to back. By adding and gender, the database knows you want to search for only articles that have that phrase (food insecurity) and that word (gender). Click the green search box to the right of the text box (circled in red below) to see your results. You will have the option to limit your search by date, or peer reviewed on the results page.
To access Nexis Uni, go to the Libraries home page, and follow the same steps listed above for accessing Family & Society Studies Worldwide.
The example shows the search "food insecurity" and gender (highlighted in yellow below). Click the magnifying glass search button (circled in red) to the right of the text box to see the results. You will have the option to limit your search by date.