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INFO 4600/5600: Introduction to Information Access and Retrieval: Subject Guide

What is it?

A subject guide is a collection of resources designed to meet the information needs of a specified demographic of people based on their information behaviors.  The information needs for a kindergarten teacher will be very different from those of a high school biology teacher, etc.

Things to Remember

When exploring the demographic you create your guide for, it is important to keep in mind the information needs of that group based on known information behavior.  Scholarly research can be found detailing the needs of kindergarten teachers to NASA engineers. 

.Doc to HTML

Some assignments may require that you format your Microsoft Word document as HTML prior to submission.  This helper document shows the process in 7 easy steps.

Creating a ZIP File

Some assignments may require you submit multiple components in zip file.  Zip files are compressed versions that allow you to send more data more quickly. This helper document details the process of creating a zip file and adding content to that file.

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Subject Guide Examples