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KINE 5140: Women, Leisure, and Sport: Required Readings

useful library information for KINE 5140 and KINE 4980, Karen Weiller-Abels, Ph.D.

Required Readings for KINE 5140

I.    TOPIC: Understanding the past and recognizing YOUR past/”Her” stories and socialization

Aronson, S. H. (1952).  The sociology of the bicycle. Social Forces. 30, 305-312.

A history of women in sport prior to Title IX 

Greendorfer, S.L. & Ewing, M.E. (2013). Race and gender differences in children’s socialization into sport. Research Quarterly for Exercise and   Sport. 52(3). 301-310. 

Lovett, C. (2020).The fight to establish the women’s race: Excepted from Olympic Marathon.  Chapter 25.

Park, R.J., & Hult, J.S. (1993). Women as leaders in physical education and school-based sports, 1865 to the 1930s. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 64(3), 35-40.

Vertinsky, P.A. (1994). Gender relations: Women’s history and sport history: A decade of changing inquiry, 1983-1993. Journal of Sport History, 21(1) 1-24.

Weiller, K. H. & Higgs, C. T.  (1994) The All American girls professional baseball league, 1943-1954: Gender conflict in sport? Sociology of Sport Journal, 11,  289-297.

II.    TOPIC: Negotiating Masculinity and Femininity 

Bearak,, B. 2012. Women finally get their chance to be contenders in Olympic boxing.  New York Times.  

Cooky, C., Dycus, R., & Dworkin, S.L. (2013).  “What makes a woman a woman?” versus “Our first lady of sport:” A comparative analysis of the United States and the South African media coverage of Caster Semenya.   Sport  & Social Issues,  37: 1, 31-56.

Schmalz, D.L. & Kerstetter, D. L. (2006). Girlie girls and manly men: Children’s stigma consciousness of gender in sports and physical activities. Journal of Leisure Research, 38:4, 536-557.

III.    TOPIC: Feminist theories and Content analysis

 Banet-Weiser, S. (2015). Keynote address: Media, markets, gender: Economics of visibility in a neoliberal movement. Communication & Mass Media Complete.  18(1),  53-70.

Banet-Weiser, S. Empowered: Popular Feminism and Popular Misogyny. (2018).  Duke University Press: Durham.

Banet-Weiser, S., Gill, R., & Rottenberg, C. (2020). Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversationFeminist Theory21(1), 3–24. 

Bowell, T. (2011). Feminist standpoint theory. In J. Feiser & B. Dowden (Eds). Internet encyclopedia of philosophy.

Hesse-Biber, S.N. (2017). 3rd ed.  The practice of Qualitative Research.  Sage Publications.  New York

Hill Collins, P. (2009).  Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment.  Routledge: New York.

Hill Collins P. & Bilge, S. (2020).  Intersectionality. (2nd. ed). Polity Press. Medford, MA.

Cavanaugh, L.V. (2018). A brief history: The four waves of feminism. Progressive Women’s Leadership. 

Cavanaugh, L.V. (2018) What exactly is the fourth wave of feminism and what does it mean for women of today? Progressive Women’s Leadership.  

Everbach, T., Nisbett, G.S., & Weiller-Abels, K. (2021).  Rebel Rebel! How Megan Rapinoe’s celebrity activism forges new paths for athletes. In M. Yannity and D. Coombs (Eds).  2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Media, fandom, and soccer’s biggest stage. Pp. 267-291

Garrison, E.K. (2010). U.S. Feminism – Grrrl style: Youth (sub)cultures and the technologies of the third wave. In N. Hewitt (Ed). No Permanent Waves (pp. 379-402). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Krane, V. (ed) (2019).  Sex, gender, and sexuality in sport: Queer inquiries. Routledge. New York.

Rampton, M. (2015).  Four waves of feminism: Center for Gender Equity. Pacifica University.

McRobbie, A. (2010). The aftermath of feminism: Gender, culture and social change.  London: Sage Publications. 

Toffoletti, K, & Thorpe, H. (2018).  Female athletes’ self-representation on social media: A feminist analysis of neoliberal marketing strategies in “economies of visabilty.”   Feminism and Psychology 28(1), 11-31. 

Wade, L. (2015) Where do the negative stereotypes about feminists come from?  Society Pages. December, 2015.

Waldron, J. L. (2019). Four perspectives for understanding LGBTIQ people in sport. In Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Sport: Queer Inquiries. V. Krane (Ed.). 15-32. New York:  Routledge.

Diversity, Intersectionality, Ability/Disability
Bernhard, L. M., (2014). “Nowhere for me to go:” Black student female athlete experiences on a predominantly white campus.  Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education. 8(2). 67-76.   

Blinde, E.,  & McAlister, S. (2013).  Women, Disability, and Sport and Physical Fitness Activity: The Intersection of Gender and Disability Dynamics. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Volume 70, 1999 - Issue 3  pp.  305-212

Butler, S. & Bissell, K. (2015).  Olympic effort: Disability, culture, and resistance in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Journal of Communication Monographs 17(4), 228-273.

Buyssse, J. A. M. & Borcheding, B. (2010). Framing gender and disability: A crosscultural analysis of photographs from the 2008 Paralympic Games.  International Journal of Sport Communication, 3(3), 308-321.

Cooky, C. & Dworkin, S.L. (2013). Policing the boundaries of sex: A critical examination of gender verification and the Caster Semenya controversy.  Journal of Sex Research, 50: 2, 103-11.

Everbach, T., Nisbett, G., & Weiller-Abels, K. (2022).  #SayHerName: The WNBA  and Black Women Athletes’ Social Activism.  In A. Colombo-Dougovito, T. Everbach, and K. Weiller-Abels Not Playing Around: Intersectional Identities, Media Representation, and the Power of Sport.  pp. 143-157.

Gessen, M. (2019, July 13). Martina Navartilova on Megan Rapinoe and the trajectory of gay women in sports.  The New Yorker.

Fawcett, B. (2018). Feminist perspectives on disability. New York: NY.  Routledge.

Hardin, M. (2007). “I consider myself an empowered woman”: The interaction of sport, gender and disability in the lives of wheelchair basketball players.  Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 16,  39-52.

Rhoden, W.C. (2012). Black and white women far from equal under Title IX. New York Times.

Stewart, D.L. D. (2018). Using intersectionality to study and understand LGBTIQ people in sport. In V. Krane (Ed.), Sex, gender, and sexuality in sport: Queer inquiries (pp. 33-48). New York, NY: Routledge.

Weiller-Abels, Everbach, T., & Colombo-Dougovito, A. (2021).  She’s a lady, he’s an athlete; They have overcome: Portrayals of gender and disability in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Media (16). 123-148.

Title IX

Acosta, RV, Carpenter, LJ (2014) Women in intercollegiate sport: A longitudinal, national study. Thirty-seven year update, 1977-2014.  Smith College's Project on Women and Social Change & Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.

   Bell, R.C. (2007). A history of women in sport prior to Title IX. The Sport Journal.10 (2),|A170414841&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon

Evans, A.B. & Pfister, G.U. (2020).  Women in sport leadership: A systematic narrative review.  International Review for the Sociology of Sport.

Hatfield, L.M. and Hatfield, L.C. (2009). The perceived role of Senior Women Administrators in NCAA division I institutions.  The Sport Journal. 12(4).|A210441825&inPS=true&linkSource=interlink&sid=bookmark-HRCA

Women’s experiences of leisure, sport, and physical activity

Codina,  N. & Pestana, J.V., (2019). Time matters differently in leisure experience for men and women: Leisure dedication and time perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(14): 2513.  doi: 10.3390/ijerph16142513

Henderson, K.A & Gibson, H.J. (2013). An integrative review of women, gender, and leisure: Increasing complexities. Journal of Leisure Research, 45, 115-135.

Mackay Yarnal, C. G., & Kerstetter, D. L. (2008).“I did not have time to play growing up… so this is my play time. It’s the best thing I have ever done for myself”: What is play to older women? Leisure Sciences, 30, 235-252. 

Yerkes, M.A., Roeters, A., & Baxter, J. (2018).  Gender differences in the quality of leisure: a cross-national comparison.  Friendship and Leisure. Pp. 367-384.

Mass media

Antunovic, D., & Hardin, M. (2013). From annihilation to ambivalence: Women in sports coverage. In C. Armstrong (Ed.), Media Disparity: A Gender Battleground (pp. 71-84). Lexington Books. 

Billings, A., Angelini, J.R. & MacArthur, P. J. (2018).  Olympic Television: Broadcasting the Biggest Show on Earth.  Routledge: New York.

Coche, R., & Tuggle, D.A. (2016). The women’s Olympics? A gender analysis of NBC’s coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Games: Electronic News, 10(2), 121-138.

Colombo-Dougovito, A.M., Everbach, T., & Weiller-Abels, K. (eds). (2022). Not Playing Around: Intersectional Identities, Media Representation, and the Power of Sport. Lexington Books, New York.

Cooky, C., Messner, M.A., Hextrum, R.  (2013).  Women play sport, but not on TV: A longitudinal study of televised news media.  Communication and Sport.

Kane, M.J. (2011).  Sex sells sex, not women’s sports: So  what does sell women’s sports?  Gender and Sexuality. August 15-22.

Grossman, S. (2015). Here are all the sexist ways the media portrayed both men and women in 2014.

Higgs, C.T., Weiller, K.H., & Martin, S.B. (2003). Gender bias in the 1996 Olympic Games: A comparative analysis.  Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 27, 52-64.

Sherry, E., Osborne, A., & Nicholson, M. (2016). Images of sports women: A review.(2016) Sex Roles. 74,  2990=-309,

Messner, M.A. & Cooky, C. (2010). Gender in televised sports: News and highlights shows, 1989-2009.

Villalon, C., & Weiller-Abels, K. (2018). NBC’s televised media portrayal of female athletes in the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games: A critical feminist lens. Sport in Society. 21(8). 1137-1157.

Weiller-Abels, Everbach, T., & Colombo-Dougovito, A. (2021).  She’s a lady, he’s an athlete; They have overcome: Portrayals of gender and disability in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Media (16). 123-148.

Future of Sport for Women

Villalon, C., Weiller- Abels, K., & Nauright, J. (2017). Critical feminist frames in U.S. media coverage of female Olympians in Rio.  Media Report to Women. 45(4), 12-19. 

Associated Press (2020, March 12). Megan Rapinoe: ‘We don’t buy’ U.S. Soccer’s apology for comments on women players.  Los Angeles Times.

Amelina, A. & Schäfer, J. (2020) Intersectionality as critical social theory, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(8), 1478-1480, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2019.1707252

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