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PHIL 3100: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: Books

A course guide for the aesthetics assignment. Professor Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez, Ph.d.

Selected Books

How to Find Books on Works of Art and Aesthetics

How to Find books on Art and Aesthetics

Search the UNT Libraries Catalog:
1. To get to the catalog, go to the UNT Libraries home page.
2. Choose the "Books & More" tab. Keyword (All Fields) search will be the default.

Keyword Search examples:
Works of Art:  "Mona Lisa" (Most art works will not have a book written solely on them, but will usually be found in a book on the artist).
Artists:  Da Vinci, Leonardo; Dali, Salvador; O'keeffe, Georgia (last name, first name)
Art Movements: Romanticism AND Art, Pre-Raphaelites, Neoclassical Art, Neoclassical Architecture,
Topics: Aesthetics AND Art, Painting AND Aesthetics, Poetry AND Aesthetics

How to Limit search results to E-Books:
After searching the catalog for your topics, look to the left column under Limit Your Search, and click the facets Online and Books. Now all of your books will be e-books. To open an e-book, just click on the Title of the book or the Green Find-It button. You will be asked for your EUID and EUID password before the book will open.

Our physical book collection is also still available on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library.  Bring your books and UNT ID card to the Library Services Desk or the self-checkout machine on the 1st floor.

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