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EDCI 4000: Classroom Interactions: Required Readings

Useful library information for EDCI 4000. Dr. Colleen Eddy, Classroom Interactions

Required Readings for EDCI 4000

Ball, D. L. & Cohen, D. (1996). Reform by the book: What is: Or might be: The role of curriculum materials in teacher learning and instructional reform. Educational Researcher, 25(9), 6-8, 14.

Barden, L.M. (1995).  Effective questioning & the ever-elusive higher-order question.  The American Biology Teacher, 57(7), 423-426.

 Baroody, A.J. & Bartels, B.H. (2000). Using concept maps to link mathematical ideas. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 5(9), 604-609.

Bardwell, G. & Kincaid, E. (2005). A rationale for cultural awareness in the science classroom. The Science Teacher, 72(3), 32–35.

Bednarski, M. & Holt, F.E. (2007). The DEP saves the beans: A Performance assessment task for acid rain. Science Scope, 8(30), 50-54.

Boaler, J. (2002). Paying the price for “sugar and spice”: Shifting the analytical lens in equity research. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(2 & 3), 127-144.

Brown, C.l., Cady, J.A., & Taylor, P.M. (2009). Problem solving and the English Language Learner. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 14(9), 533-539.

Bybee, R.W., Taylor, J.A., Gardner, A., van Scotter, P., Powell, J.C., Westbrook, A., & Landes, N. (2006). The BSCS 5E instructional model: Origins, effectiveness, and applications

Canter, L. (2010). Develop your teacher voice (Chp. 2). Lee Canter’s assertive discipline: Positive behavior management for today’s classroom (pp. 9-13). Indiana: Solution Tree Press

Chappell, M.F. & Thompson, D.R. (1999).  Modifying our questions to assess students’ thinking.  Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 4(7), 470-474.

Chin, C. (2006). Classroom Interaction in Science: Teacher questioning and feedback to students' responses.  International Journal of Science Education, 28(11), 1315-1346.

Connery, K. (2007). Graphing predictions: Enhancing higher-order thinking skills in math and science. The Science Teacher, 74(2), 42-46.

Curry.C., Cohen, L., & Lightbody, N. (2006). Universal design in science learning: An overview of how universal design and technology can advance science for all. The Science Teacher, 73(3), 32–37.

Daire, S.A. (2010). Celebrating mathematics all year round. Mathematics teacher 103 (7), 509-513.

Dorough, D.K. & Rye, J.A. (1997).  Mapping for understanding: Using concept maps as windows to students minds. The Science Teacher, 64(1), 36-41.

Eddy, C.M., Hughes, K., Kieftenbeld, V., & Hayata, C. (2012). Quadrilaterals: Transformations for developing student thinking. The Illinois Mathematics Teacher, 61(1), 36-47.

Edmonds, L.M. (2009).  Challenges and solutions for ELLs. The Science Teacher, 76(3), 30-33.

Fay, M. & Bretz, S. (2008). Structuring the level of inquiry in your classroom.  The Science Teacher, 75(5), 38-42.

Fazio, X. (2009). Development of a community of science teachers: Participation in a collaborative action research project. School Science and Mathematics, 109(2), 95-107.

Gerver, R. & Sgroi, R. (2003). Creating and using guided-discovery lessons. Mathematics Teacher, 96(1), 6-13.

Heritage, M. (2007, October). Formative assessment: What do teachers need to know and do?  Phi Delta Kappan, 89(2). 

Hoffert, S. (2009). Mathematics: The universal language? Mathematics Teacher, 103(2), 

Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T., & Holubec, E.J. (1994). Essential components of cooperative learning (Chp.3). The new circles of learning: Cooperation in the classroom and school (pp.25-34).  Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Joyce, B., Weil, M. & Calhoun, E. (2009). Scientific inquiry and inquiry teaching (Chp. 8). Models of teaching (8th ed.) (pp. 159-188). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Joyce, B., Weil, M. & Calhoun, E. (2009). Direct instruction (Chp. 17). Models of teaching (8th ed.) (pp.367-376). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Joyce, B., Weil, M. & Calhoun, E. (2009). Equity (Chp. 20). Models of teaching (8th ed.) (pp.403-424). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Kastberg, S. (2003).  Using Bloom’s taxonomy as a framework for classroom assessment. Mathematics Teacher, 96(6) 402-405.

Krajcik, J. & Merritt, J. (2012). Engaging students in scientific practices: What does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom? The Science Teacher, 79(3), 38-41.

Lederman, N. & Lederman, J. (2004). Revising instruction to teach nature of science. The Science Teacher, 71(9), 36-39.

Lesser, L.M. (2000). Reunion of Broken Parts: Experiencing Diversity in Algebra. Mathematics Teacher, 93(1), 62-67.

Lin, E. (2006). Cooperative learning in the science classroom. The Science Teacher, 73 (5), 34-39.

Ma, L. (1999). Introduction. Knowing and Teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding in China and the United State (pp. xvii – xxv). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Ma, L. (1999). Subtraction with regrouping: Approaches to teaching a topic (Chp. 1). Knowing and Teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding in China and the United State (pp. 1- 27). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Marcus, R., Fukawa-Connelly, T., Conklin, M., & Fey, J.T. (2007). New thinking about college mathematics: Implications for high school teaching. Mathematics Teacher, 101(5), 354-358.

Manouchehri, A. & Lapp, D. (2003). Unveiling student understanding: The role of questioning in instruction.  The Mathematics Teacher, 96(8), 562-566.

Marrongelle, K.A. (2005). Enhancing meaning in mathematics: Drawing on what students know about the physical world. Mathematics Teacher, 99(3), 162-169.

Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D.J., & Pollock, J.E. (2005). Cooperative learning (Chp. 7). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement (pp. 84-91). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D.J., & Pollock, J.E. (2005). Setting objectives and providing feedback (Chp. 8). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement (pp. 84-91). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

McComas, W. (2004). Keys to teaching the nature of science.  The Science Teacher, 71(9), 24-27.

McDermott, L.C. (1991). Millikan lecture 1990: What we teach and what is learned- Closing the gap.American Journal of Physics, 59(4), 301-315.

Novak, J. (1991). Clarify with concept maps. The Science Teacher, 58(7), 44-49.

Popham, W.J., (2008). Formative assessment: Why, what and whether (Chp. 1). Transformative Assessment. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1-22.

Prince, M. & Felder, R. (2007). The many faces of inductive teaching and learning. Journal of College Science Teaching, 36(5), 14-20.

Quesada, A., & Maxwell, M. (1994). The effects of using graphing calculators to enhance college students' performance in precalculus.  Educational Studies in Mathematics, 27, 205-215.

Raymond, A.M. & Leinenbach, M. (2000). Collaborative action research on the learning and teaching of algebra: A story of one mathematics teacher’s development. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 41, 283-307.

Sadker, D. (2000). Gender equity: still knocking at the classroom door. Equity & Excellence in Education, 33(1), 80-83.

Schoenfeld, A. (1988).  When good teaching leads to bad results: The disasters of “well-taught” mathematics courses.  Educational Psychologist, 23(2), 145-166.

Scribner-MacLean, M., Nikonchuk, A., Kaplo, P., & Wall, M. (2006). In sync with science teaching: Handheld computers support classroom and laboratory activities. The Science Teacher, 73(7), 26-29.

Sherin, M.G. (2000). Facilitating meaningful discussion of mathematics. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 6(2), 122-125.

Shwartz, Y., Weizman, A., Fortus, D., Sutherland, L., Merrit, J. & Krajcik, J. ( 2009).  Classroom discussions and their role in inquiry-based learning environments. The Science Teacher, 76(5), 44-47. (Talking Science)

Stahley, T. (2006). Earth from above: Students use free online satellite software to explore Earth. The Science Teacher, 73(7), 44-48.

Subramaniam, K. (2010). Clash of the Titans: Combining WebQuests and the 5E learning cycle in an exploration of predator-prey relationships and nonnative species taps into the potential of both strategies. Science and children, 47(5), 38-43.

Subramaniam, K. (2012). How WebQuests can enhance science learning principles in the classroom. A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 85(6), 237-242.

Sutton, G.O. (1992).  Cooperative Learning Works in Mathematics.  Mathematics Teacher, 85(1), 63-66.

Swarthout, M.B., Jones, D., Klespis, M., & Cory, B. (2009). Sneaking a peek at students’ understanding of function: Why not concept maps? Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 60, 24-27.

Vasquez-Mireles, S. & West, S. (2007). Mix it up: Suggestions for correlating science and mathematics. The Science Teacher, 74(2), 47-49.

Wade, A. (2012). Teaching absolute value meaningfully. Mathematics Teacher, 106(3), 192-198.

Ellis,M. (2003).Constructing a personal understanding of mathematics: making the pieces fit.
 Mathematics Teacher, 96(8), 538-542.

Penick, J. (1991). Where’s the science? The Science Teacher, 28(5),159-161.

Wiggins, G. &  McTighe  J. (1998). What is backward design? (Chp. 1). Understanding by design (pp. 7-19). Alexandria, VA:ASCD.

Emmer, E. & Evertson, C. (2009). Communication skills for teaching (Chp. 8). Classroom management for middle and high school teachers (8th ed.) (p. 116). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Dong, Y. (2005). Getting at the content. Educational Leadership, 14-19.

Hehir, T. (2007). Confronting  ableism.  Educational Leadership, 8-14.

Steele, M. (2010). High school students with learning disabilities:mathematics instruction, study skills, and high stakes tests. American Secondary Education, 38(3), 21-27.

Steele, M. (2007). Teaching science students with learning differences. The Science Teacher, 24-27.
Lake, R. An Indian father’s plea (2000). Teacher Magazine, 2(1), 48-53.

Allen, K. k. (2012). Keys to Successful Group Work: Culture, Structure, Nurture. Mathematics Teacher, 106(4), 308-312.


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