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EDCI 6280: Qualitative Research in Education: Required Readings

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Required Readings for EDCI 6285

Adair, J. K., & Pastori, G. (2011). Developing qualitative coding frameworks for educational research: Immigration, education and the Children Crossing Borders project. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 34(1), 31-47.

Anfara Jr., V. A., Brown, K. M., & Mangione, T. L. (2002). Qualitative analysis on stage: Making the research process more public. Educational Researcher, 31(7), 28-38.

Attride-Stirling, J. (2001). Thematic networks: An analytic tool for qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 1(3), 385-405.

Barusch, A., Gringeri, C., & George, M. (2011). Rigor in qualitative social work research: A review of strategies used in published articles. Social Work Research, 35(1), 11-19.

Blommaert, J., & Bulcaen, C. (2000). Critical discourse analysis. Annual Review of Anthropology, 29, 447-466.

Booth, A., Carroll, C., Ilott, I., Low, L. L., & Cooper, K. (2013). Desperately seeking dissonance: identifying the disconfirming case in qualitative evidence synthesis. Qualitative Health Research, 23(1), 126-141.

Bowen, G. A. (2006). Grounded theory and sensitizing concepts. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(3), 12-23.

Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, 77-101.

Brotman, J. S., Mensah, F. M., & Lesko, N. (2010). Exploring identities to deepen understanding of urban high school students’ sexual health decision-making. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(6), 742-762.

Bruce, C.(2007). Questions arising about emergence, data collection and its interaction with analysis in a grounded theory study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 6(1), 51-68.

Cannon, A. (2012). Making the data perform: An ethnodramatic analysis. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(7), 583-594.

Court, M. (2007). Using narrative and discourse analysis in researching co-principalships. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 17(5), 579-603.

Fereday, J., & Muir-Cochrane, E. (2006). Demonstrating rigor using thematic analysis: A hybrid approach of inductive and deductive coding and them development. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(1), 80-92.

Fraser, H. (2004). Doing narrative research: Analyzing personal stories line by line. Qualitative Social Work, 3(2), 179-201.

Freeman, M., de Marrais, K., Preissle, J., Roulston, K., & St. Pierre, E. A. (2007). Standards of evidence in qualitative research: An incitement to discourse. Educational Researcher, 36(1), 25-32.

Greckhamer, T., & Koro-Ljungber, M. (2005). The erosion of a method: Examples from grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 18(6), 729-750.

Guerra-Ramos, M. T., Ryder, J., & Leach, J. (2010). Ideas about the nature of science in pedagogically relevant contexts: Insights froma situated perspective of primary teachers’ knowledge. Science Education, 94, 282-307.

Harry, B., Sturges, K. M., & Klingner, J. K. (2005). Mapping the process: An exemplar of process and challenge in grounded theory analysis. Educational Researcher, 34(2), 3-13.

Holley, K. A., & Colyar, J. (2009). Rethinking texts: Narrative and the construction of qualitative research. Educational Researcher, 38(9), 680-686.

Jackson, A. Y., & Mazzei, L. A. (2013). Plugging one text into another: Thinking with theory in qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 19, 261-271.

Kawulich, B. B. (2004). Data analysis techniques in qualitative research. Journal of Research in Education, 14(1), 96-113.

Kayfman, J. (2011). Poststructural analysis: Analyzing empirical matter for new meanings. Qualtiative Inquiry, 17(2), 148-154.

Kim, Y. C., Moon, S., & Joo, J. (2013). Elusive images of the other: A postcolonial analysis of South Korean world history textbooks. Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, 49(3), 213-246.

Kirchoff, A., & Lawrenz, F. (2011). The use of grounded theory to investigate the role of teacher education on STEM teachers’ career paths in high-need schools. Journal of Teacher Education, 62(3), 246-259.

Koelsch, L. E. (2013). Reconceptualizing the member check interview. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 12, 168-179.

Koro-Ljungberg, M., Yendol-Hoppey, D. Smith, J. J., & Hayes, S. B. (2009). Epistemological awareness, instantiation of methods and uninformed methodological ambiguity in qualitative research projects. Educational Researcher, 38(9), 687-699.

Kurasaki, K. S. (2000). Intercoder reliability for validating conclusions drawn from open-ended interview data. Field Methods, 12(3), 179-194.

La Pelle, N. (2004). Simplifying qualitative data analysis using general purpose software tools. Field Methods, 16(1), 85-108.

Leech, N. L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2007). An array of quantitative data analysis tools: A cll for data analysis triangulation. School Psychology Quarterly, 22(4), 557-584.

Leech, N. L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2011). Beyond constant comparison qualitative data analysis: Using NVivo. School Psychology Quarterly, 26(1), 70-84.

Maxwell, J. A. (2004). Using qualitative methods for causal explanation. Field Methods, 16(3), 243-264.

Maxwell, J. A. (2010). Using numbers in qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 16(6): 475-482.

McKether, W. L., Gluesing, J. C., & Riopelle, K. (2009). From interviews to social network analysis: An approach for revealing social networks embedded in narrative data. Field Methods, 21(2), 154-180.

Meyer, D. Z., & Avery, L. M. (2008). Excel as a qualitative data analysis tool. Field Methods, 21(1), 91-112.

Moret, M., Reuzel, R., van der Wilt, G., & Grin, J. (2007). Validity and reliability of qualitative data analysis: Interobserver agreement in reconstructing interpretative frames. Field Methods, 19(1), 24-39.

Morrow, S. L. (2005). Quality and trustworthiness in qualitative research in counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(2), 250-260.

Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Dickinson, W. B., Leech, N. L., & Zoran, A. G. (2009). A qualitative framework for collecting and analyzing data in focus group research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(3), 1-21.

Orland-Barak, L. & Maskit. D. (2013) Taking a stance through visual texts: novice teachers as educational agents, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2012.762481

Rendon, M. J., & Nicolas, G. (2012). Deconstructing the portrayals of Haitian women in the media: A thematic analysis of images in the associated press photo archive. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 36(2), 227-239.

Rogers, R., Malancharuvil-Berkes, E., Mosley, M., Hui, D., & Joseph, G. (2005). Critical discourse analysis in education: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 75(3), 365-416

Scales, B. J. (2013). Qualitative analysis of student assignment: A practical look at ATLAS.ti. Reference Services Review, 41(1), 134-147.

Scott, K. W., & Howell, D. (2008). Clarifying analysis and interpretation in grounded theory: Using a conditional relationship guide and reflective coding matrix. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 7(2), 1-15.

Sensoy, O. (2011). Picturing oppression: Seventh graders’ photo essays on racism, classism, and sexism. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 24(3), 323-342.

Son, J-W. (2012). A cross-mnational comparison of reform curricula in Korea and the US in terms of cognitive complexity: The case of fraction, addition and subtraction. ZDM Mathematics Education, 44, 161-174.

Sondergaard, D. M. (2010). Poststructuralist approaches to empirical analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(2), 187-204.

Souto-Manning, M. (2012). Critical narrative analysis: The interplay of critical discourse and narrative analyses. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2012.73746

Svensson, L. & Doumas, K. (2013). Contextual and analytic qualities of research methods exemplified in research on teaching. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(6), 441-450.

Thomas, D. R. (2006). A general inductive approach for analyzing qualitative evaluation data. American Journal of Evlaution, 27(2), 237-246.

Thomas. G. & James, D. (2006). Reinventing grounded theory: Some questions about theory, ground and discovery. British Educational Research Journal, 32(6), 767-795.

Asvoll, H. (2013). Abduction, deduction and induction: Can these concepts be used for an understanding of methodological processes in interpretative case studies? International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2012.759296

Tracy, J. (2010). Qualitative quality: Eight “big-tent” criteria for excellent qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 16(10), 837-851.

Ueda, K. & Sakugawa, H. (2009). Using phenomenology to study how junior and senior school students in Japan perceive their volunteer efforts. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 8(2), 53-54

White, D. E., Oelke, N.D., & Friesen, S. (2012). Management of a large qualitative data set: Establishing Trustworthiness of the data. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 11(3), 244-258

Wickens, C. (2011). The investigation of power in written texts through the useof multiple textual analytic frames. International Journal fo Qualitative Studies in Education, 24(2), 151-164.

Witcher, C. S. G. (2010). Negotiating transcription as a relative insider: Implications for rigor. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 9(2), 122-132.

Zhang, Y. , & Wildemuth, B. M. (2009). Qualitative analysis of content. In B. Wildemuth (Ed.), Applications of Social Research Methods to Questions in Information and Library Science (pp.308-319). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

Amsteus, M. N. (2014). The validity of divergent grounded theory method. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 71-87.
Atwater, M. M., Freeman, T. B., Butler, M. B., & Draper-Morris, J. (2010). A case study of science teacher candidates' understandings and actions related to the culturally responsive teaching of 'Other' students. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 5(3), 287-318.

Bringer, J. D., Johnston, L. H. & Brackenridge, C. H. (2006). Using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software to develop a grounded theory project. Field Methods, 18(3), 245-266.

Childers, S. M. (2014). Promiscuous Analysis in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 20(6), 819-826.

de Wet, C. (2010). The reasons for and the impact of principal-on-teacher bullying on the victims’ private and professional lives. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(7), 1450-1459.

Elo S, Kariainen M, Kanste O, Polkki T, Utriainen K, Kyngas, H. (2014) Qualitative Content Analysis A Focus on Trustworthiness. SAGE Open, 4(1)

Elo S. & Kyngas, H. The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62(1), 107-115.

Gorski, P. C. (2009). What we're teaching teachers: An analysis of multicultural teacher education coursework syllabi. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(2), 309-318.

Hale, A., Snow-Gerono, J., & Morales, F. (2008). Transformative education for culturally diverse learners through narrative and ethnography. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(6), 1413-1425.

1Hökkä, P., Eteläpelto, A., & Rasku-Puttonen, H. (2010). Recent tensions and challenges in teacher education as manifested in curriculum discourse. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 845-853.

Jamjoom, M. I., (2010). Female Islamic Studies teachers in Saudi Arabia: A phenomenological study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 547-558.

Mawhinney, L. (2010). Let's lunch and learn: Professional knowledge sharing in teachers' lounges and other congregational spaces. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 972-978.

Solarzano, D. G. & Yosso, T. J. (2001). Critical race and LatCrit theory and method: Counter- storytelling as an analytical framework for education research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 14(4), 471-495.

Thurmond, V. A. (2001). The point of triangulation. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33(3), 253-258.

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