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ARTH 4805/5805: Angels and Demons: The City of Rome: People of Rome

A guide to resources on the artists, architects, art, architecture, history, theology, philosophy, mythology, ritual, literature and liturgy of Ancient to Renaissance Rome.

Books: People of Rome

Artists, Architects and Other Personas of Rome: Books

Artists, Architects and Other Personas of Rome: Books

To Find Books Owned by the UNT Libraries, search the UNT Libraries Catalog.
Name search examples (keyword): Bramante, Donato; Vitruvius, Pollio; Julius II, Pope.
Subject search examples: Rome Art, Rome Architecture, Rome Politics, Rome Religion.
Keyword topic search examples: Rome AND Architecture, Bramante, Donato AND "St. Peter's Basilica", Vitruvius AND Architecture, Pantheon and Hadrian, AND "Domus Aurea".

To Find Books Available at Other Universities

Search the World Catalog to find books not owned by UNT.  The World Catalog contains more than 35 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. If accessing off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password.
Books  not owned by the UNT Libraries may be requested to be borrowed through UNT's Inter-Library Loan.

Artists, Architects of Rome: Biographical Reference Books

*All artist's names are in alphabetical order by last name in the books listed below. All books are located in the Willis Library on the 3rd floor.
*Note an artist's name may have different spellings in different countries. Knowing the correct spellings are the key to finding research on the person. These books will reveal the different spellings. 

Dictionary of Artists (Benezit),
N40 .D5213 2006 14 vols. 
One of the best sources available. Includes artists from antiquity to the 20th century.  Also includes many artist's signatures.

Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker (General Artist-Lexicon), N40 .A63 1992 47 vols. 
This source is in German but is the most comprehensive source available.  It covers artists from antiquity to the 20th century.

Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: Bio- Bibliographischer Index nach Berufen = (The Artists of the World: bio-bibliographical index by profession),
N40 .A625 2002 14 vols. 
This is a great source for fine craftsmen such as goldsmiths, engravers, printmakers, etc., from antiquity to the 20th century. 

Artists, Architects and Other Persons of Rome

Artists, Architects and Other Personas of Rome: Journal Articles

To find journal articles, search the databases listed below.
Journals will have the most up-to-date, scholarly information on your topic.
If accessing off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password.

*Search names in the following manner: (last name, first). Example: Vitruvius, Pollio, Caesar, Julius, Julius II, Pope.
Examples of other keyword searches: Vitruvius AND Architecture, Pantheon AND Hadrian, AND "Domus Aurea".

*If the UNT Libraries do not subscribe to the journal that has your journal article, then you can request to borrow a copy of the article from the UNT Libraries borrowing program known as Inter-Library Loan.

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